(Background info: A long lost Fairy Princess has been returned to the Higher World but getting her to fit into her true role is challenging because Earth has influenced her to follow the way of crime and form her own gang. But it is vital that she return to rule otherwise the fairy species could be in great danger without the rightful ruler assuming the Throne when her time comes).
Alphina soon realised that what was dark and twisted in the Princess was not as dangerous to the fairies as they had feared because unlike Earth, the Higher World has a protective aura against wicked and corrupting influences and in this case, Stephanie’s influence wouldn’t be potent enough to harm them. The fairies had the upper hand and were sure to do all in their power to bring the newly returned Firstborn into conformity.
“I will be back shortly my Lady,” said the young fairy. She then made a gesture of reverence, turned abruptly and left the large, bright room with its beautiful oval shaped window that looked out over a stunning view of the delightful palace grounds and nearby mountains.
Stephanie put on a sarcastic expression, wondering what to think. She fumbled about for her two phones but neither of them were there. That bright young girl had to be a fairy. But surely this wasn’t somewhere away from Earth altogether?! She blinked, then looked around and began to believe it was a dream. She widened her eyes and coughed, expecting to wake up on Earth. But nothing happened. Wow! This was incredible. The only alternative explanation was that she was in that other world… the world of the fairies. They had prevailed after all. They had taken her back. But that probably meant that she was trapped and that her old life could no longer continue. How unbelievable. They were violating her free will. She could already sense it.
It was Vanessa who decided on the next best move. Some select fairies would go to give the Princess an informal welcome. Later, two of them would prepare her for a strictly formal welcome where she would meet with her parents in the setting of a Royal Banquet to celebrate her return. It would not be fitting for Stephanie to see the Queen immediately, even though she was her daughter. Vanessa decided that she would need to be properly prepared and appropriately dressed for this most significant reunion occasion.
They would keep her distracted by sending more of the younger fairies in to talk to her. Hopefully, this would help to calm her down and interest her to a point where she might eventually take the first step towards accepting her situation. After this, they would prepare her to finally see her mother again.
The young fairies became excited and talkative as they gathered various kinds of flowers and began placing the petals into small green baskets that had blue and white ribbons attached to them.
The young fairies chosen for the initial welcome greeting numbered six; two carrying silver bells that featured sparkling blue rims and gold-plated wing designs and the other four carrying the green baskets loaded with petals.

As they entered the room, the sound of bells ringing and happy voices cheering ended the thoughtful silence and abruptly filled the air.
“Welcome home Princess Stephanie!! Welcome home!! My Lady! We welcome you with joy!”
They came up to her bed and began throwing the petals into the air. Stephanie tensed up annoyed, and buried her face in her hands as the petals began to fall on top of her; and the girl’s voices continued cheering and the bells made an unsettling amount of noise.
Stephanie then shouted out in frustration. “Alright! Stop!” They immediately fell silent.
“As you wish my Lady,” said the oldest one.
They all gathered around the bed in a semicircle.
“Oh, just go away please. I need to think.”
But they started smiling, exchanging giggles and then loudly laughing until the oldest among them shook her head at them. “Shhh!” She then spoke to Stephanie, “I’m sorry my Lady but we are sent here by an authority that outranks you and will not be leaving for the time being. We are here to have a friendly conversation with you and begin teaching you how to behave properly now that you have returned from… umm, down there.”
“Down there?”
“Yes, the Lower World I mean. Sorry, that term hardly ever comes up in conversation.”
Another very friendly fairy stepped forward and climbed onto the bed and smiled in Stephanie’s face. “I’m Melissa Rosemary my Lady and I’d like to hear some stories from that place! The human world!”
Stephanie couldn’t help being amused and laughed. “Really?”
“Yes, my Lady! Yes please.”
The others then all gave their names. Besides Alphina Doveheart and Melissa Rosemary, there was Jubla Raywise, Seraphana Mountainflame, Anarella Lightgiver and Kenza Roella Guardianhand.
Stephanie wasn’t quite sure how to react to them or how to deal with such a strange situation. But she decided to act as normally as possible for the time being.
“You’re all very bright and spotlessly clean, aren’t you?” They each looked back at her with slightly confused expressions. “And your dresses all look expensive, stunning and unnecessarily elaborate in my opinion. And none of you are wearing shoes.”
For a while they didn’t say anything but just kept staring at her. Finally, Melissa Rosemary said, “I like your voice my Lady. What else do you notice about us?”
“Yes. What else?” asked several others.
Stephanie said, “that’s already quite a lot. But now, where am I?”
“You are in Alphiabrook my Lady,” said Melissa. Then after a pause she added, “pardon me my Lady but where did you think you were?”
“Umm, I suppose I thought I was in a hotel room.”
“What is a hotel?”
Kenza Guardianhand answered, “oh, I know what that is. It’s a place they have on Earth where you pay money to have a bed because you’ve wandered away from home and don’t want to sleep in the forest or can’t find someone to offer you a suitable place without taking your money. Oh, sorry, actually the correct term is ‘free of charge.’ The point being that hotel lodgings are not free of charge. Does everyone understand?” She then looked around at each of the other fairies. They all nodded and most of them said, “yes.” But one said, “I think so…”
Anarella said, “oh, you were always so educated about the Lower World, Kenza. Is it your desire to train to go there one day or… or what? I mean, you definitely know more than Saltina did before she was sent on her first errand.”

Kenza thought for a moment and then said, “you know, maybe I will be trained one day to go down there. That used to be a big part of being a fairy you know? We should be reaching out to humans far more that we do. Literally no one ever goes there anymore and that’s sad.”
“Because it is an unsightly mess! Unsettling for fairies to behold. It is evil!”
“And fairies can be the cure for that evil!”
“No! No, they can’t!”
“And why not? How is it you know that?”
Stephanie then butted in, “hey, where’s my phone? I actually had two of them.”
There was silence. “Oh, come on. My phone please! Don’t tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
Once again, Kenza understood. “I know what that is. Humans use them after they have been created in factories from raw materials and other less tangible substances such as electricity. Well actually, that is very tangible as well. But anyway, listen everyone. With such devices, they can communicate with one another over long distances. Oh, by the way my Lady, sorry but I do not know if either of your phones are here, but more interestingly, you will find that you do not need them.”
“Well, not here. You do realise you are in the Higher World in a body formed from the air? Or do you know that? I suppose, why would she? How do you feel my Lady?”
Stephanie felt lighter than usual and sensed a light tingling. She looked afraid. This was all too strange and unfamiliar. Had she taken a drug? Would she not wake up from this?
She spoke to them for some time longer and was corrected several times on certain things she said, the words she used and what she chose to laugh at. She was even corrected on how to hold a cup. It was shaped like a wine glass but was made of some other substance that resembled silver and had small red jewels attached to it and floral designs. They explained to her that she should not hold it by the base or with her left hand, but that she should hold it in her right hand and by the stem.
She also heard them making remarks to each other about how earthly she was and how much ‘catching up’ she would need. She tried being fun and humorous with them but they didn’t seem to be impressed. She noticed that they were mostly serious with her but that they did smile and giggle among themselves now and then. But what annoyed her was that they were laughing at her rather than at anything she said. It began to feel like she was a joke to them.
At last, it got to her and she complained. “Alright. Enough! You be you and I’ll be me. I am the way I am, okay? Stop mocking me!”
But one of them looked sincerely back at her and said, “but you are funny my Lady. You truly are. And… well, therefore it is only right that we laugh at you until you learn to behave in a manner that accords with your high estate. But in the meantime, do forgive us because we are enjoying ourselves so much and supressing our laughter might only serve to make you seem even funnier to us.” At that they all burst out laughing again, this time louder than ever before. Stephanie was about to give them a piece of her mind but two adult fairies entered the room and one of them said in a raised voice, “hush young ones! Move aside.”
The younger fairies moved away, with huge smiles on their faces. Melissa Rosmary made a gesture of reverence and said, “farewell for now my Lady.” But she couldn’t help laughing while she spoke and then flushed a little with embarrassment after being glared at by Vanessa.
Stephanie sensed a powerful presence about the two older fairies and was amazed at their brilliance and beauty. It quite literally took her breath away. She couldn’t speak for a moment and time seemed to freeze. She just sat there and stared at them. They both stared back at her for a moment before the first one spoke. “Welcome to the Higher World Lady Stephanie. I am Vanessa of Alphiabrook and this is my assistant and friend, Veronica Garlandwood. The other fairy smiled modestly and made a small bow.
Stephanie’s heart was still spellbound. Vanessa was in a long pale blue dress with white and gold edges. It had intricate designs that stood out sharply and were highly artistic. Her hair was a shiny black and her eyes were light blue, matching her dress. They were radiant and focused on her with a serious and captivating gaze. The brightness of her body made her entire dress glow, causing the colours on it to appear even more vibrant.

Veronica Garlandwood was beautiful in a similar way but her dress was mostly pale green and didn’t have the large sleeves that Vanessa’s dress had. The designs were made of gold, dark green, brown and bright red threading and featured trees, leaves, fruits and forest creatures. Her hair was blonde and also long but more curly and less done up than Vanessa’s.

Vanessa was a more upper class and city-loving fairy who eventually went on to work at the palace, whereas Veronica was a woodland fairy who had been born and raised in the Province of Garlandwood and had later come to work as a royal maid, thanks to her friend’s influence.
Veronica then spoke, seeing as Stephanie was still tongue tied. “We are most honoured to have you with us once again my Lady.” She then ventured to ask if the Princess knew any of the original fairy language which is called Luminenya, before the Higher World adopted English as a primary language. Long ago the fairies had to learn and master this language among many others before being able to communicate verbally with humans. “Ak va werba Luminenya?” (Do you speak Luminenya?)
Stephanie shifted and coughed a little. “Oh, uh, no. Not really. But a little. By the way, is this a visit you are taking me for or…?”
“No,” said Vanessa calmly but firmly.
“What?! You mean you’re not going to let me go back… back home? To Earth?”
“No, of course not my Lady. This has always been your true home. We will teach you how to communicate with those whom you love down there but you definitely shouldn’t return there for the foreseeable future. You will have to go back briefly when we decide you are ready but that will only be to reunite with your body before you return here once more, and without delay. Now let’s get you prepared to see your mother the Queen and your father. This is a happy day my Lady.”
“Hang on a minute,” said Stephanie indignantly, “you took me here by force. Do you know I have my own life there which I love and that is where I’ve chosen to be? Do you know I’m helping people of the street to get their lives together? I am helping humanity more than most fairies, I believe. I heard from the young ones that the fairies have all but given up on humans.”
After hearing this, Vanessa turned and looked at Veronica who slowly shrugged. Vanessa then answered Stephanie. “Pardon me my Lady but it seems as though you have lost your way. A Fairy Princess has no place prancing about with guns in the gutters of the Lower World. You were rescued from danger rather then forced to come here. Moreover, you do not know what you are talking about. Fairies still influence humanity to a significant extent, though rarely by their physical presence. You may discuss these matters later. For now, however, I must ask you to cooperate with us and allow us to prepare you for the Welcome Banquet that is to be hosted in your honour.”
Stephanie closed her eyes, shook her head and sighed. “And if I refuse?” There was silence for a moment. “Can you not just send my mother and father to see me here?”
“You are not even dressed my Lady. May I remind you that you are the daughter of the Supreme Ruler of the United Provinces of the Higher World. Certain standards are required at all times, even from Princesses. You will do as the Queen requests and reunite with her in a formal setting. After that, you will be free to meet with her in private.”
“Yes,” said Veronica, “and you must not resist us or we shall have to call on a member of the Elite.”
“What? A soldier? Oh, this is so annoying. I don’t want to!”
They both smiled. “Come now my Lady,” said Vanessa and pulled the blanket off her.
“Hey! How dare you!”
“Help me Veronica,” said Vanessa, “take her other arm.”
They took hold of her and gently pulled.
“Alright! Alright! I’ll get out! Let go of me!”
They stood back and let her get out of the bed herself.
“There now. Well done my Lady,” said Vanessa.
“Oh, watch out! She’s going to fall!” said Veronica.
Having lost her balance, Stephanie fell towards the floor but they caught her and explained that she would need to get used to the temp-body and the different gravity force that was present in her new location.
She then pleaded with them again. “Please! I don’t want to live as a fairy! Or a princess! I really don’t! You should just let me have some quiet time with my parents and then let me get back to normal and go back to earth again.”
They began combing her hair before decorating it. “Oh, no, please! I’m actually begging you to leave me alone! Stop!”
“Shhh. There, there my Lady. You’ll be just fine. Let us do our duty and you do yours. It will all be over sooner than you think.”
Stephanie felt deeply upset and angry. She was used to having things her own way while on Earth. But everything was turning out to be quite the opposite here. She saw a magnificent dress being placed nearby and a pair of ornate shoes that looked difficult to walk in.
“You can’t do this! I don’t consent to any of it!”
They paused for a moment, hoping she would calm down. But she pulled away and continued protesting against what they were doing to her. “I said no! I don’t want you to do my hair up. I don’t want you to stick those ridiculous shoes on me or put me in that filthy rich looking dress.”
Vanessa sighed in frustration while Veronica said, “Oh please my Lady, don’t be so difficult with us.”
“It’s no use,” said Vanessa, “she’s too stubborn. Go and call Selena.”
Veronica bowed slightly and left the room.
While waiting for her to return, Vanessa kept an eye on Stephanie with a stern expression. But she was pressured to leave the room. Stephanie hoped that if she could keep people out long enough, her mother would come to her and perhaps the banquet could be cancelled. She dreaded all that attention and people making a fuss of her and calling her a princess.
“What are you looking at? Just leave the room!” she said indignantly to Vanessa.
“I cannot leave you unattended my Lady. But if you feel uncomfortable, I can move to the corner of the room.”
“Quickly! Leave the room or I’ll make you leave! Otherwise, I’ll lock us both in here.”
“This door does not lock my Lady. Your maids must be able to have access to you at all times, both night and day.”
Suddenly, an armoured fairy entered the room, followed by Veronica. It was the frightful Selena Bell, the younger sister of Stephanie. She was silent in her close-fitting, enchanted armour and her gaze came from a darkness below the rim of her helmet.
There was silence for a while as the two sisters stared at each other. In a rather cold and matter-of-fact tone, Selena said, “so I finally meet you, Stephanie. I am your sister, Selena. I have heard a lot about you but nothing especially good so far. Don’t let it stay that way, Stephanie. Do something for your own people. At least let your maids dress you.”

Stephanie seemed quite impressed by Selena. “Hu! You’re my sister?! How cool! I love your armour! But come on! Take off that helmet! I can’t see your eyes!” But Selena just stood there, saying nothing.
Veronica then explained. “Oh, she only removes her helmet once a year on Selena’s Day my Lady.”
“Really?! Why? And she has a special day dedicated to her?!”
But Selena clapped her hands as a sign that the others should get on with their duty and continue to prepare the princess.
“Oh, okay. Go on then,” Stephanie said in a sulk as she let the other two fairies get her ready for the banquet. While she admired her sister for being the Head of the Elite which is the equivalent of the special forces of the monarch, Stephanie already felt envious of her position. To be a warrior felt far more her style and she began to wish that Selena had been the firstborn while she could have been the second. She meant what she said about not wanting to be a pampered princess who was to be paraded around, made a fuss of and groomed for the Throne.
“Hey, listen Selena,” she said in a rather sad and despairing tone, “is there any slight chance at all that you could go along with this princess life instead of me?”
“I am not in line for the Crown, Stephanie. The power to rule the United Provinces is in you. It flows through your veins. We might have let you stay on Earth if you were not next in line.”
“I thought you would say something like that.” Stephanie then sighed and shook her head.
“Keep still please my Lady,” said Veronica who was doing her hair. She then noticed a tear running slowly down Stephanie’s cheek as she faced the mirror and felt her large, elaborate dress being tied up at the back by Vanessa.
“Oh, please Selena!” she said tearfully, “this isn’t right!”
“It is right!!” shouted Selena. “Vanessa! Get her a tissue. Stop crying! You are the Princess! Pull yourself together Stephanie!”
But Stephanie got angry and stood up suddenly. She then pushed Veronica who stumbled backwards and gasped. “Oh! Help!”
Selena approached with a menacing and threating air and stared Stephanie down who eventually said, “okay, okay. Fine!” She then sat back down again and they continued preparing her.
Stephanie then fell into a sulky and sarcastic mood. “Oh look. At least this dress features one pocket. That’s one place you could hold a weapon but to tell the truth, this thing would be useless in a fight. Mind you, it could probably be used to suffocate someone. And these shoes, well, the less said about them, the better. They’re awful. Mixed Martial Arts Champion – Cinderella!! Okay I get it. You’re all keeping quiet so as not to add fuel to the flame. Okay, what boring princess conversation do you people want? Mmm?”
But they were all silent, except for one last directive from Veronica. “I said stop moving your head my Lady! Come on now. This won’t take much longer.”
Plans were also being made already, about who to marry the Princess off to. Hopefully, if she had a suitable and caring man, as well as the prospect of so much power, she would eventually quite willingly do what they required of her.
[Hi there reader. This is part of a more adult-friendly book titled Crime or Crown. The previous one was made more for kids and is no longer available. It will be published later this year. That’s self-published and hopefully, later it will also be traditionally published. If you would like to be notified when it is released, then you are welcome to use the sign up form below.]
Wow! I really enjoyed the story, poor Stephanie! Honestly, Your article presents a captivating narrative, offering a vivid glimpse into Stephanie’s struggle to reconcile her Earthly upbringing with her fairy heritage. The interactions between Stephanie and the fairies tasked with guiding her back to her royal duties are both amusing and thought-provoking. I’m intrigued by the conflict between Stephanie’s desire for autonomy and the expectations placed upon her as a Fairy Princess. The addition of her sister Selena, with her formidable presence and contrasting role, adds depth to the story. I truly enjoyed the story. Wasn’t expecting it to end there. Have you got a part two of the story? I’m curious to see how Stephanie’s journey unfolds and how she navigates the challenges ahead.
Thank you so much for this. I really enjoyed reading what you had to say! This story is a novel in progress and the piece you just read is as far as the story goes so far. There are a good number of previous chapters before this one. You can check back in a few days or so to find the sequel to what you have just read. I really appreciate your generous and enthusiastic feedback. Best wishes and stay tuned!
Hello Dominic,
Your story, “A Troublesome Fairy Princess,” is a captivating blend of fantasy, drama, and humor. The plot introduces an intriguing conflict between Stephanie, the wayward Fairy Princess influenced by her time on Earth and the fairy realm that seeks to guide her back to her rightful role.
The narrative is well-structured, with a clear progression of events that kept me engaged. The clash of cultures between Earth and the Higher World adds depth to Stephanie’s character, making her relatable and sympathetic despite her rebellious tendencies.
The introduction of the fairy characters, especially Vanessa, Veronica, and the formidable Selena, brings a richness to the story. The dynamics between Stephanie and her sister Selena add an additional layer of complexity and intrigue.
Your attention to detail in describing the setting, such as the stunning palace grounds, the beautiful dresses and the enchanted armor, paints a vivid picture of the Higher World. The incorporation of fairy language (Luminenya) and the cultural differences between Earth and the fairy realm enhances the world-building.
Overall, “A Troublesome Fairy Princess” is an engaging and well-written fantasy tale that held my attention from start to finish. I appreciate the creativity in blending elements of fantasy with relatable human struggles. I look forward to seeing how Stephanie’s character develops and how the conflicts unfold in future installments.
Wow! What a treat it was to read through this. You made my day! You are clearly deeply into stories and are impressively insightful and intelligent. You inspire me to keep producing more content in this genre and for this story in particular. Many thanks!
Hi Dominic,
I have enjoyed your story. It was interesting to see how Stephanie is going to cope with the whole situation of finding herself in an unknown world. Also, it was funny to read that the younger fairies have behaved exactly how you would expect from a younger generation. Seems there is a big task ahead of Stephanie, especially after realizing she is royalty and has a younger sister. I guess we’ll have to see how it goes in the next chapter.
Fantasy stories are great because of the limitless imagination you can use to write them. Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much for the comment and encouragement. That was fun what you said about the younger fairies! Also, yes, you’re definitely right that you have so much freedom with fantasy since it doesn’t have to be too realistic or down to earth, thought I still try to keep it relatable and I also avoid using the word ‘magic,’ since it is overused in fantasy I think.
You have a talent for writing great stories and I am sure you have a lot of followers already, who read all your episodes and can’t wait for the next. I am probably one of them now. I have also been interested to see if Stephanie can be converted or not, and now there is talk of an arranged marriage. I am sure she won’t agree to that.
Hi Michel, thanks so much! And that fantastic to hear that you are a fan of these tales and the journey of Stephanie Bell. She is definitely a lot of trouble for the fairies. Stay tuned:)
What a captivating story about Princess Stephanie returning from the lower world and having to adjust to her life in the Higher World. It iata interesting how the other fairies are sent to help her accept that she is back. What is the reason for Stephanie not being able to meet with the queen first, even though I is her mother
Kendra seems to know a lot about the lower world, that she learnt from a young age. But as a fairy, was she allowed to learn about Earth, and who provided the information she had? Thank you.
Thanks Line, and great questions too:) Vanessa is all about doing things properly and correctly in the Palace of Alphiabrook which is the Higher World Capital. She thought that formality should come first and she also didn’t want Stephanie to have a chance to use emotional leverage on her mother to let her return to Earth. With the fairies in the Capital, the role of being Princess comes first and personal life comes second. As Princess, they thought that Stephanie should formally unite with her mother, the Queen before having an informal meeting with her.
As for Kenza Guardianhand, she liked to read books in the large library located in the south part of the city of Maracynthiavale, after learning to read. She took an interest in the Lower World and did most of her study on her own initiative. But at that time, most fairies weren’t very interested in our world because they weren’t being trained to go there anymore and this is because it had become dangerous and quite corrupt.
This is such an intriguing story! I have been reading the others as well.
I was a little upset that Stephanie didn’t want to be Queen. I understand that being the Queen she has to be fussed over, but it is the highest honor that could be bestowed upon her. Maybe she will see the benefits that are in her future.
Maybe I don’t know all that is in store for her when she becomes Queen. I can hardly wait for the next edition!
Thanks for the intriguing fairy story. It is nice to escape reality once in a while and a great story is the best way to do just that.
Thanks, Stacie
Thank you Stacie! Great comment here and it’s great that you have also been following other previous episodes in this story.
Stephanie is still attached to her life on Earth and doesn’t really think or act like a fairy. She feels overwhelmed at the prospect of governing the Higher World as Queen. She is a rough and ruthless gang leader who suddenly needs to adjust to being a Fairy Princess and future Monarch.
Stay tuned!
The article provides a detailed and immersive narrative of Princess Stephanie’s journey into the Higher World, where she grapples with the expectations and responsibilities thrust upon her as a royal figure. Through lively dialogue and vivid descriptions, the reader is drawn into Stephanie’s world, experiencing her frustration, defiance, and ultimately, her reluctant acceptance of her fate.
The interactions between Stephanie and the fairies are portrayed with depth and nuance, revealing the complex dynamics at play within the royal court. Stephanie’s resistance to conforming to her role as a princess adds layers of tension to the story, creating a compelling narrative arc that keeps the reader engaged.
Overall, the article offers a captivating exploration of themes such as identity, power, and familial duty, while also providing a glimpse into the fantastical realm of fairies and royalty. With its well-crafted prose and rich characterization, it promises an enjoyable read for those interested in fantasy and adventure.
This is some very generous feedback and I thank you very much.
Wow, that’s quite a reading! It offers a captivating glimpse into the challenges faced by Stephanie as she navigates between Earth and the Higher World. Her involvement in crime and forming her own gang adds an unexpected twist and humor to the story, highlighting the complexity of her character.
It’s certainly a story that has no pair. Well done to the author for crafting such an engaging and thought-provoking narrative!
It truly is a unique artwork!
Best regards,
Hi Cortes,
I really appreciate your words! Thanks very much!
As a fan of True Blood, this imaginative and intricate tale of a Troublesome Fairy Princess intrigued me with its blend of fantasy and human-like struggles. The narrative skillfully weaves the challenges of Stephanie, the Fairy Princess, as she navigates between her life on Earth and her destiny in the Higher World.
The contrast between Stephanie’s resistance to her fairy responsibilities and the fairies’ determination to guide her into her royal role adds a layer of complexity to the storyline. The introduction of Selena, Stephanie’s sister and the Head of the Elite, brings an interesting dynamic, hinting at potential conflicts and alliances within the fairy realm.
The dialogue captures Stephanie’s rebellious spirit, and the interaction with the fairies, especially the Petal Fairies, adds humor and charm to the narrative. The world-building is vivid, with detailed descriptions of the Higher World and its enchanting features.
The story also touches on themes of identity, duty, and the clash between individual desires and societal expectations. Stephanie’s inner conflict and her initial reluctance to embrace her fairy heritage make her a relatable and compelling character.
I’m eager to see how Stephanie’s journey unfolds, especially as plans for her future, including marriage, start to take shape. The mix of magical elements, family dynamics, and Stephanie’s resistance creates a captivating narrative that keeps the reader engaged.
As a True Blood fan, I appreciate the infusion of supernatural elements and the exploration of a fairy’s struggle in a world influenced by both Earthly and fantastical forces. Looking forward to more chapters and discovering how Stephanie’s tale evolves!
Thanks for this great and highly encouraging comment! Yes, I try not to let the fantasy element come at the cost of the characters being too different from us. I want readers to be able to feel and relate to what the people in the story are thinking and feeling:)
Hi Dominic,
What a fabulous site you have created, I loved immersing myself in stories of fairies – a welcome relief from my usual business. Thank you also for the depth of character description you create and the pictures you paint for your stories, a lovely way to relax and do one of my favourite pastimes – reading!
Imagine being welcomed by sparkling bells and baskets of rose petals – divine! Do you have fun creating this Dominic, I certainly enjoyed the read 🙂 I hopped over to Fairy Footwear while I was here and loved that story too.
Do you plan to have new characters or develop the existing ones? I would love an imagination like yours, well done, and may you create many an enchanting story.
Thanks for a great comment and questions! Oh yes, I enjoy building this site and creating stories that people like to read. Yes, the fairy footwear post was fun to put together. They don’t naturally need shoes but shoes are sometimes worn anyway by upper class fairies and as an honorific or reward for noble deeds.
There will be some new characters, but this is all part of a book I’m working on.
Hi Dominic,
I have just finished reading “A Troublesome Fairy Princess” and found it captivating! Stephanie’s struggle to balance her rebellious nature, influenced by her Earth upbringing, with her innate fairy princess responsibilities is thought-provoking. The cultural clash between the fairy world’s expectations and her Earth-influenced mindset creates an intriguing dynamic. Vanessa and Selena are complex characters that highlight the intricate nature of fairy society. The story weaves fantasy elements with relatable human challenges, making it a captivating read. I am curious to see how Stephanie adapts and evolves in this enchanting yet demanding fairy world, and I eagerly anticipate the next chapter of her journey!
How wonderful! I loved getting your thoughts on this part of the story of the wayward fairy princess. The next part will be rolling out quite soon. Thank you!
Reading this felt like you were sitting in a corner watching, listening and recording the happenings for the benefit of your readers. I was surprised at myself at how captivated I was reading your post and how I wanted to read each next line and find out what happened next. It would have been interesting to find out how she got to the earth in first place, how they found her after such a long time and what is happening to her earthly body. This should be a book really.
Hi Oluseyi, thanks very much for this and it is great to know that you found the story to be attention holding. Yes, it is in fact part of a novel called Crime or Crown. I did an earlier version but now I’m doing an improved one.
Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell was summoned by a meddler in witchcraft while she was an infant. She then grew up on earth but as history progressed, the earth got darker and was able to corrupt even the fairies if they were not well trained to resist its dark pull.
Stephanie becomes Carletta Sayer because the Sayers are the family who adopt her. The higher world sends fairy agents to recall the princess but in vain. They finally use her younger stepsister, Jane to sedate her using a needle and special formula. Her body is taken into a secret place by assistants of the Wizard of England. Because she is a fairy, her body doesn’t decay. But she is still free to lead a life that doesn’t align with her duties as a fairy princess.
I really enjoyed this site. The reading material is very captivating. I meant to just skim over it and got caught up and had to know more. I think it is very well written. I am a fantasy fan myself. Fairies and other worldly creatures. I grew up reading this genre of books and watching the movies. I look forward to reading this book to my grand daughter in the future.
Thanks very much for this James. It was great to hear that you enjoyed it and that you look forward to sharing Crime or Crime with your granddaughter:)
Wonderful use of explanatory words, adjectives, adverbs, and the such 🙂 You can feel and hear her text. Bells ringing. Petal faires. Down there … in the Lower World. It makes me want to read more.
Their last names are so cool and fairy-like. In Alphiabrook…., I love the pic of Kenza Guardianland, Vanessa of Ahphiabrook (Queen’s Right Hand), Veronica Garlandwood, and the different fairies. The Lumienya language of the fairies is so cool, too.
This – “and her gaze came from a darkness below the rim of her helmet” sentence part gives you an idea of how great this is written!
This is written so that you have a “side” to root for. I want the fairies to win at the mid-point in the story, but she WAS taken from a life of crime on Earth back to fairydom as a Princess.
I’m reading her following post because this one was so good!
Thanks for the read!
Hi Teri, thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comment. Very much appreciated!
The narrative effectively captures the internal conflict of Stephanie, the Fairy Princess, torn between her Earthly influences and her rightful place in the Higher World. Stephanie’s struggle to reconcile her past life of crime with her royal lineage adds depth to her character and creates tension as she navigates her new reality. The introduction of various fairy characters, each with their unique personalities and perspectives, enriches the story and provides insight into the complexities of fairy society. The dynamic between Stephanie and her sister Selena, particularly Selena’s stoic demeanour contrasting with Stephanie’s rebellious spirit, adds an intriguing layer to their relationship.
Overall, “A Troublesome Fairy Princess” presents an engaging tale filled with conflict, intrigue, and character development and one perfect fairy tale!
Many thanks Elena, this was enjoyable to read. Glad you enjoy the story and thanks for the supportive words.
A wonderful read! This is such a captivating story. I am particularly interested in the sisters. If Stephanie’s “home” is the human world, how is Selena separate from her? Were they both in the human world at first and Selena got taken away or is it the reverse?
On the outside, it seems that Stephanie and Selena have contrasting characteristics. However, in ready more on Stephanie, she desires to be a fighter and not seen as weak. Therefore, it is safe to say that the sisters are alike. Maybe later in the story we get to see Stephanie become the warrior she desires to be. I do hope we can get some more insight into Selena as well.
Thank you for this captivating piece.
Hi Dee J, thanks for a great comment and the interesting questions that you asked as well.
When she was an infant, Stephanie, the Firstborn was summoned from the fairy realm to earth by a meddler in witchcraft. Despite attempts to get her back, she ended up being left on Earth and from there, she succumbed to its corrupting influences, eventually getting into crime and forming her own gang.
But as for Selena, she was born second and while also a daughter of the Fairy Queen and therefore a Princess, she was not in line for the Crown and so she was trained up as a warrior and eventually became Head of the Elite. She never went to Earth. Only Stephanie did, or rather, was taken there.
As a former gang leader, Stephanie has a rough side to her and can fight very efficiently, but she would be no match for a Combat Fairy because while she mostly relies on earthly techniques, the fairies use superior methods, combined with energy harnessing (a form of magic) to overcome their foes, the Unpeaceful Ones.
Hi Dominic,
This is amazing! It’s very well written. Princess Stephanie’s return to the Higher World and her struggle to adapt to a role she didn’t want is inspiring. The themes of identity, duty, and personal desire create a rich and complex narrative that’s enchanting and relatable. Your portrayal of Stephanie’s character—a fairy princess with an earth-influenced rebellious streak—offers a refreshing take on the classic fairy tale archetype.
I’m particularly intrigued by the tension between Stephanie’s earthly experiences and the expectations of her fairy heritage. The fairies’ efforts to introduce her to royal etiquette, her resistance to their ways, and her eventual confrontation with her sister Selena are compelling elements that drive the story forward.
I’m curious: is there a possibility that Stephanie’s experiences and skills from Earth could be recognized as valuable in the Higher World? Or would that lead to future spoilers? haha. If so, please disregard this question, as I’m thoroughly hooked.
Thank you for sharing such a vivid and imaginative story. I’m looking forward to seeing how Stephanie’s journey unfolds and whether she will find a way to reconcile her past with her destiny.
Hi Kyle, thanks very much for sharing your thoughts on this and for letting me know that you want to follow the story as it progresses.
Good question about whether Stephanie has anything valuable to offer the Higher World through having been on Earth. Not much, save perhaps some potentially useful knowledge about our world and in particular, the places she is familiar with from having been there. She also has some remarkable fighting skills but these still don’t match those of specialised Combat Fairies.
In this excerpt from the fantasy novel “Crime or Crown,” Stephanie, a fiery princess raised on Earth, is brought back to her fairy kingdom. Clashing with the proper and refined expectations of royalty, Stephanie struggles to adapt to her new life as preparations for a grand welcome and a reunion with her parents unfold. We meet some of the fairies, including the kind Vanessa, the warrior Selena (Stephanie’s sister), and witness Stephanie’s defiance as she wrestles with her newfound identity and limitations.
Not only did I read this section, I also checked out your website. How far our imagination can travel. But is it really imagination?
I really felt the struggle of Stephanies ego not wanting to let go of her identity. Also, the rejection of responsibility in a hierarchical world. Compared to earth survival, resilience.
I am curious to find out how she settles in, if she does and how her guard is lowered.
Great ability to engage the reader into the emotion of Stephanie.
Hi Vivien, thanks for your comment and it’s great to hear that you are enjoying the story! Yes, I try to make fantasy tales as real and relatable as possible.
Stephanie’s journey from Earth to the Higher World is filled with uncertainty and disbelief, yet the interaction with the fairies unveils a new reality she’s forced to confront. The contrast between her earthly demeanor and the ethereal nature of the fairies adds depth to the narrative, highlighting Stephanie’s struggle to adapt to her new surroundings.
The subtle humor and light-hearted banter among the fairies, despite Stephanie’s initial resistance, provide moments of levity amidst the tension. The way they gently guide Stephanie while maintaining their own sense of wonder and amusement is both endearing and thought-provoking.
The introduction of Vanessa and Veronica adds another layer of intrigue, as Stephanie is faced with the awe-inspiring presence of these powerful beings. The vivid descriptions of their attire and demeanor create a sense of reverence and anticipation, leaving readers eager to uncover more about the Higher World and Stephanie’s role within it.
I shared this with my daughter as she loves stories like this!
All the best, Mick
Hi Mick,
Thanks for sharing a great comment here. It was definitely a delight to read and I really liked how you mentioned that you shared the story with your daughter.
I very entertaining read about a Fairy Princess that visits earth but is called to return to her fairy world where she will one day take over the power of the Fairy Land. While in earth she learned some not so good things like crime and other bad things that don’t happen in the Fairy Land. While she yarns to go back she knows she has to stay to take over eventually. She is offered a chance to go back to Earth when she’s ready but not for every. I could go on and on but you may enjoy reading the story yourself. It’s very whimsical and interesting to read.