Alphiabrook – The Royal Province

For a great many centuries, Alphiabrook has been the capital, leading province of the higher world. It is tradition for the High Family to live here and for the Monarch to reign from the Throne of the Marble Hall.

Alphamorinzo was given a personal body guard as he carried out a mission of research into the background and whereabouts of Stephanie Bell. The name of his bodyguard is Kasandra of the Marble Hall.

She was stationed on the grounds of the Palace and was trained to communicate with the wizard and transition when necessary to the lower world which she does at one point, but this is only so that Jane can see a fairy for the first time.

The personal maid chosen for Princess Stephanie was Vanessa of Alphiabrook.

A Land of Wealth

Alphiabrook is home to many business owners who make a wide range of things and provide many services such as:

  • woodland clothes
  • City clothes
  • Fine clothes
  • Shoes
  • Fine knives
  • Enchanted knives
  • potions (all three stages)
  • Custom wing channels
  • Paper
  • Manuscripts
  • Plants
  • Flowers
  • Food
  • And more…

Besides the many thriving businesses in the land of Alphiabrook, there is a Splendid group of buildings that together comprise the High Family’s Palace.

The main living quarters are a part of this and the main governing area with the Throne room is called the Marble Hall.

When Stephanie is taken to her room by Vanessa, she is quite taken aback at the sheer Luxury which she does not find to be to her taste at all.

Stephanie’s bedroom

The entire new life style that she finds herself thrust into is in stark contrast to the rough and ready life of the London gang leader.

But she does get to go out into the neighbouring forest of the palace where a tree house has been built for her enjoyment.

It is here that she meets four other fairies:

  • Elora-Brightgaze of Maracynthiavale
  • Tina Nightingale of Bluebellwood
  • Lisa Violeteye of Foxgloveway
  • & Daisy Wingedfeet of Northbluestar

The Location of the Saltor’s Ring

The Saltors Ring is based not far from the Palace and has a perpetual placement of Combat Fairies who take turns to stand and guard it.

It is a circular Energy field, invented by Saltors who are higher world males. It allows for the transfer of a being’s life essence to the lower world and back again. But it is carefully guarded since it is dangerous for fairies to go to Earth and for humans to go to the higher world.

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