(Background info: This follows the tale of Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell who was stolen from the Higher World by witchcraft in her infant years and later raised by humans. After a life of crime on earth, the fairies finally managed to take her back home and are now trying to make her fit into her royal fairy role. Previous episode: A Troublesome Fairy Princess).
When Vanessa and Veronica had finally finished dressing and adorning the moody and sulky Princess, they brought her to her feet and Vanessa held her arm while a procession began to form, consisting of twelve fairies. The six younger ones stood at the front of the procession with the bells and petals.
Next came four guards in beautiful, gold-plated armour that consisted of thin layers of extremely tough material, and bright red cloaks hung from their backs. Two guards stood in front of the Princess and another two stood behind her. In the middle was the Princess herself and Vanessa of Alphiabrook and Veronica Garlandwood were on either side of her.
But before they began to move towards the large Banquet Hall, there was some practise and rehearsing that Vanessa put them all through. “I want a smoothly run procession. We enter, keeping in perfect unison and moving at speed level three. That is not a quandra march but just above a slow stroll.
“It needs to be slow,” said Stephanie. “Go slow please. Definitely no brisk marching. I won’t be able to keep up! What is a quandra march anyway?”
“A quandra march is the regular march my Lady. Okay everyone, bring it down to speed level two. The Princess will require walking practise before the day closes. Please speak to the Queen about this Veronica. And she must be given the same lessons in walking as well as Princess Etiquette training on a daily basis. Now, as we enter, I want you young ones to ring the bells but not frantically. Ring them gracefully and with long pauses in-between each ring. And those of you bearing the flower baskets, I want you to cast the petals gradually as the procession moves forward in a straight line, towards the head of the High Family’s table.”
They all nodded and the young ones all said, “yes, Lady Vanessa.”
But Seraphana, who was known to be mischievous at times, turned around and said to Stephanie, “pissst! Look my Lady! An en’keel! It is a wand! Let’s also give you an escort of Fire Moths!!”
“No Seraphana!” shouted Vanessa. But the young fairy giggled and pointed her small green wand with its glowing, whitish-blue tip at Stephanie and said excitedly, “come on! Ya manchi uni goia! Hahaaa!!” This was immediately followed by the sound of a small explosion and a huge puff of orange smoke. Everyone gasped and the older fairies began shouting angrily at the young fairy.
Stephanie screamed and held on tightly to Vanessa. Out of the orange smoke there emerged fifteen flames that formed into the shapes of fluttering moths that swarmed around Stephanie’s face and shoulders.

The young ones went on tiptoe with excitement and then started jumping up and down with giddiness, cheering for Seraphana and laughing their hearts out.
The frightened victim screamed before breaking away from Vanessa and tried to leave the procession and escape the aggressive fiery objects but she slipped and two of the guards caught her.
The disturbing display soon dispersed but not before one last blast of flames that briefly wrapped around Stephanie’s entire body amid further shrikes and screams from the poor princess.
“Help!! Somebody, help me!! I’m burning!!”
“No, you’re not!” said Seraphana, “it’s only a joke! Those flames can’t burn you.”
For a moment, the princess did appear to be completely engulfed in raging flames before they quickly died down and vanished. But the flames were merely an imitation of fire and did not burn her or set her dress alight. It was all intended for the entertainment of the other young fairies, many of whom liked to make fun of Stephanie.
“How dare you Seraphana!!” shouted Vanessa. But all the other fairies erupted once again with loud laughter and cheering. “That was your best display yet!!” one of them said to her. “Amazing Seraphana! I was waiting all day for that! Never thought you’d actually do it! I can’t stop laughing!”
“Silence!!” came Vanessa’s loud and commanding voice.
After that, Seraphana’s wand was confiscated and she was taken out of the procession and later replaced with another fairy named Dafney Livingflower. The others murmured among themselves about how Dafney was bound to be boring and far less amusing than Seraphana. But perhaps they could all ask Stephanie’s forgiveness on Seraphana’s behalf at some point. She had sacrificed herself for their amusement and they loved her for it.
“Now listen young ones!” snapped Vanessa, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. No wands! Guards, check them. Make sure no one else is carrying one. No wands! No energy harnessing! No magic!”
“Yes, we know my Lady,” said Kenza. “It was just her, Seraphana. She’s always trying to sneak her wand into the Palace. We’ve left ours at home. Well, those of us who have them. I never use mine anyway my Lady. I’m going to behave well!”

“Alright Kenza. That’s good. Now, face forward, all of you. Let the procession begin as soon as the Princess is ready.” She then made a fuss of Stephanie and told her how terribly sorry she was about the prank that had just been played on her by a younger fairy.
“This is beyond ridiculous!!” yelled Stephanie in Vanessa’s face.
“Oh, you poor thing my Lady. But no, no. Young fairies aren’t nearly advanced enough to use real fire. That was just a display. A bit like amateur fireworks, you know? Come on now. There’s nothing to fear… really.”
Stephanie fell back into whinging about not wanting to go ahead with the banquet and this turned into loud complaining and trying to break free again from Vanessa. But with the help of Veronica and the guards, they eventually managed to get her to cooperate once again. They threatened to bring Selena out to the scene and Stephanie dreaded another harsh telling off from her. But that was sure to happen if she kept refusing to do what was expected of her.
As the procession came near the great doors that led into the Banquet Hall, there were some last hushed exchanges going on between the two young fairies at the front. “Her Highness, Lady Stephanie appears to be disabled. Apparently, she can’t stand on her own two feet, poor thing.” This was followed by another ripple of giggles among the younger fairies until there was a “hey! Shhh!” from Veronica and Vanessa said, “yes! You’re all behaving terribly today! You will all report to me individually after the banquet.”
Stephanie felt the blood running to her face and said, “it’s not my fault!” She then tried to hide her embarrassment by looking down and turning her head away from Vanessa who sensed that she had been hurt yet again by the younger fairies. Stephanie was annoyed at herself. How could she go from being a feared and widely respected gang leader to feeling genuinely offended by little girls?! It had to be because they were right. There was every reason to laugh at her. In this new place, she was feeble, ignorant and vulnerable. And very annoyingly, she simply couldn’t walk on her own without support.
“Look! Look!” whispered another fairy while nudging the one next to her and another who was in front of her, “she’s going red! Does that mean she really is disabled?”
“Yes, of course it does, silly! Anyway, be quiet! We’re all in enough trouble as it is!”
Vanessa spoke softly in Stephanie’s ear. “Do not worry my Lady. You will get through this.” She then gave her a gentle hug.
“Oh, stop it, Vanessa! I’m alright!”
“Very good my Lady. But I am going to have to keep holding you, otherwise you will probably fall again and make a public disgrace of yourself.”
“I’m already a complete disgrace to you fairy people! Now come on then! Let’s get this stupid formality over with. And I want those little clowns out of my sight and punished as soon as possible.”
“Oh, they will be delt with my Lady. Be assured. But right now, we need them to help form this escort.”
“Because that is how it is done my Lady. Formal things must either be done properly or not done at all.”
“Oh, whatever Vanessa. Come on then. Just take me in there and let’s get this over with.”
“Well done my Lady. Now do try to smile as well. You really must get that grumpy expression off your face. You are the Princess returning to her mother and father! Smile Stephanie!”
“What? No! I hate all this! And now I think my feet are in pain.”
Vanessa sighed and signalled for the doormen to open the two great doors.
The procession was now on its way into the Banquet Hall.
But Stephanie didn’t feel ready or comfortable. “No, wait a minute, Vanessa. Stop. I need to take my shoes off. Can you do it for me?”
“No, no, no, my Lady. Keep them on. Once you sit down, it will be easier for you.”
Stephanie nudged Vanessa quite violently. “Listen! Stop contradicting me! I want them off! Now!”

“Oh, no, please my Lady! They can’t be that bad. Why do they have to come off just before we enter?”
“Why do you think?! They’re hurting me! I can’t stand walking in them anymore. Stop! Stop the procession!”
Vanessa signalled for the doors to close once again and the guards did as instructed.
“This is really bad, my Lady. Your mother, the Supreme Monarch is in that room and won’t be impressed. All you do is complain.”
Just take these shoes off! Or I’ll do it myself. Just don’t let me fall.”
“Oh, what a pity! This is going to look so wrong! You’re supposed to be dressed properly and that includes having your shoes on. But okay. I’ll take them off for now and then when you are at the table, they will need to be put back on.”
“Okay. Thank you,” said Stephanie. “I know I’m annoying but so are all of you. So, you know, it’s a bit like karma. Do you know what that is?”
“Shh! Okay, stop that my Lady. Lift up your right foot please and lean on me so you don’t fall.”
After successfully removing the shoes, Vanessa handed them to Dafney and told her to keep them until the princess was seated. The other young fairies were careful not to start laughing this time.
Veronica whispered in Vanessa’s ear. “I’m surprised you’re letting her go in without her shoes. Can we not find a more comfortable pair for her?”
Vanessa sighed and shook her head. “I know it’s bad but she’s taking forever and I think at this stage we’ll have to cut our losses and let her go in barefoot, otherwise, she’ll just find another reason to stall the procession. Come on. I think she’ll let us take her in now. Let’s just get in there.”
“Okay. Yes. I agree,” said Veronica.
With the doors opened once again, the procession slowly entered the Banquet Hall.
What a scene it was in that massive room. There was an entire choir of singers, loud drums and four radiant fairies with activated wing channels hovering in the air while playing on long, highly decorated instruments that looked a bit like red and gold-plated harps. The singing was in Luminenya and Stephanie couldn’t understand a single word of it.
There was a loud shout from Selena. “Brandish!” At her command twenty-eight combat fairies drew their swords with a smooth ringing sound, all at the same time and in perfect unison. Their blades formed an arch, under which the procession would soon pass.
Selena then yelled again in a kind of regimental tone. “Hail to the Princess!” And her warriors all shouted after her. “Hail to the Princess!”
As they passed through the ranks of combat fairies with their glistening armour and solemn, military looking expressions, a team of dancers sprang into action. It consisted in one main dancer and then twelve pairs of male and female dancers. They were incredibly graceful and their garments swished about as they vigorously danced to the music and drums.
The small bells were also chiming and the younger fairies in the procession did their duty and scattered the bright red, green and white petals down in the pathway of the Princess.
There was a smell of freshly cooked meats in the air and a colourful display of many different varieties of both raw and roasted vegetables, and many attractive bowls of perfectly ripe fruit.
The table where the High Family stood quickly loomed into view but it was still at quite a long distance from the procession.
“Is that my mum?” said Stephanie, pointing to a magnificently dressed figure at the head of the table.
“Oh, do not point like that! But yes, my Lady, that is her. And you must make sure to address her as ‘Mother.’ Remember, when you go to greet her, wait for Selena’s signal and then give her an embrace. Be very polite and don’t say anything out of place. You should then exchange some words of gratitude and after that, greet your father.”
To the left of the Queen and Lord Clarence, there stood Marius and his son, Joyce. Joyce was also the brother of Veronica Garlandwood. They were respectable people and friends of the High Family. The plan was for Joyce to eventually take the hand of Stephanie in marriage.
The suiter in question was of course well-groomed for the occasion. With a charming and flawlessly handsome appearance, Joyce the son of Marius stood tall in velvet navy with scarlet and gold trimmings. At his side, he wore a highly decorated sword with a beautiful turquoise tassel on the handle that had a thin, gold binding around it.
As the procession came closer to the table, Marius spoke over the shoulder of his son. “There. That’s her. The one in between Veronica and that other fairy. That is Princess Stephanie. What do you think of her my son?”
Joyce took his first look at the one who would quite probably become his future bride. “Ah! How sweet and lovely. She is very beautiful but…” He then tried not to smile or laugh. “Well she looks lost and does not seem comfortable in that dress. Not to mention that she has no shoes on.”
“You must be patient with her my son. She was raised by humans and must learn now to adjust to a life of fairy royalty.”
“Oh, come now father. You may say it. She was not just raised by humans but she became a rather notorious leader of criminals, did she not?”
“Well, yes. But let us not dwell on her past. This is now a new chapter in her life. And one for the better I might add. You must not fail to take her hand son. You must not fail.”
“I shall need to get to know her and will assess just how much patience I will require with such a one.” Joyce then looked at the procession until he met the passing glance of Stephanie. He smiled and tilted his head down slightly.
Stephanie quickly looked away and then whispered sharply in Vanessa’s ear, “there’s a man looking at me!”
“That’s good my Lady. Just smile back.”
Stephanie looked again to see if he was still looking at her. Sure enough, his handsome gaze was still aimed at her.
But she indicated that she wasn’t pleased and shook her head.
Joyce felt a little hurt and his glance dropped down to the table for a moment. This odd new princess would not be an easy catch. He sensed that she might well be obliged to take his hand sooner or later, but he decided that unless he could win her heart, he would not let them force her to take him. He wanted love to be the real motive here.
Vanessa next noticed that the Queen and Stephanie were now silently looking into each other’s eyes as the procession neared the head of the table.
Any moment now, she would call the procession to a halt and Selena would give the signal for Stephanie to step forward to greet her mother and then embrace her. She would then do the same with her father.
Vanessa began to get nervous as the tension grew between the Queen and Stephanie. She hoped against hope that Stephanie wouldn’t do or say anything rash.

“You’ll be fine now won’t you my Lady?” she whispered in Stephanie’s ear.
For a while Stephanie didn’t respond but just kept looking at the Queen whose eyes remained fixed on her. She then whispered back to Vanessa, “I’m scared. She hasn’t smiled at me yet. I don’t feel like I recognise her.”
But as if hearing what was said, the Queen’s face then lit up into a beautiful, warm and maternal smile.
Vanessa then brought the procession to a halt and after a few moments, Selena stepped forward, bowed low to the Queen and then clapped as a signal that Stephanie should go to her mother.
Stephanie still felt a little spellbound and just stood there, clinging to Vanessa.
“Come on my Lady!” Vanessa whispered to her. Then she said to the Queen, “forgive her your Majesty, but this may take her a moment or two. She is a little overwhelmed.”
Selena put on a stern face and all eyes were now on Stephanie as the music, song and dancing quickly faded into silence.
“Come forward Stephanie, dear,” said the Queen lovingly. “Close your eyes to the darkness and live now in the light.”
Suddenly, Stephanie felt a rush of emotion and sensed that she was about to burst into choked tears.
In desperation, she spoke again in Vanessa’s ear. “Quick. I need the bathroom. Now! Or somewhere private. I’m not ready yet for the banquet. Take me out of here for a minute. Please! This is far too much pressure.”
Sensing how serious Stephanie was, Vanessa frantically thought about what to do next. She then went red with embarrassment as she said to the Queen, “I’m so very sorry, your Majesty. We’ll be a few more moments.” She then took Stephanie towards the exit, while a very awkward silence followed.
Stephanie wanted to keep her distance from her mother and father because she feared that her mother especially might have some kind of power over her that would make her want to stay in the Higher World forever. But she still loved Earth and the people there who were close to her and was determined to return there one way or another.
As for the wise Vanessa, she believed that with some time, the fairies would win Stephanie over and that all they needed was to be patient with her for the time being. She would make one last effort to get her to return to the banquet, embrace her mother and father and just be casual.
She was also quick thinking enough to take some rich wine and two drinking vessels on the way out. She would sit down with Stephanie in a quiet place and make her share a drink with her. Then, once the nerves of the princess were calmed, she would do her very best to take her back to the banquet and to her loving and concerned parents.
This excerpt from your book intricately weaves together the threads of Princess Stephanie’s journey back to her fairy heritage, immersing readers in a world brimming with tension, emotion, and vivid detail. From the ornate descriptions of the procession to the palpable internal conflict Stephanie grapples with, each element serves to deepen the reader’s connection to the story and its characters.
Stephanie’s struggle to reconcile her past on Earth with her newfound role as a royal fairy is a compelling narrative thread that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages. The interactions between Stephanie and the fairies, particularly Seraphana’s mischievous antics, add layers of humor and intrigue, creating a dynamic and engaging reading experience.
As the story unfolds, readers are left wanting more, eager to follow Stephanie’s journey as she navigates the challenges and complexities of her new life. If you’re looking to continue crafting this captivating tale, consider exploring options like a line of credit to provide the financial support you need to bring your creative vision to fruition.
Investing in your passion and storytelling prowess can open doors to endless possibilities, allowing you to further develop your narrative and captivate readers with each twist and turn. Embrace the opportunity to dive deeper into Stephanie’s world and let your imagination soar as you continue to craft this enchanting tale.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for such a great and supportive comment. I also appreciate the suggestions you left at the end. I try to do the best I can for my readers. Getting a story ‘out there’ is always a challenge but for now I continue to immerse myself in the actual writing.
Many thanks!
Wow, what an enchanting journey into the world of fairies and royalty! Dominic, your storytelling truly captures the imagination. The procession scene is so vividly described, with each detail painting a picture of grandeur and anticipation. I couldn’t help but feel for Stephanie as she navigates this new world and struggles with the expectations placed upon her.
One question that arose for me while reading this captivating excerpt: How will Stephanie’s past as a notorious leader of criminals shape her interactions with the fairy realm and her potential future as a princess?
Hi Hanna,
Thank you for your great piece of feedback here. I’m glad to hear you found it immersive and that was a good question as well.
With her background as leader of the Safer Streets gang, Stephanie doesn’t fit into her new role as a Princess destined for the Throne very well at all. They fairies have to constantly guide her down her destined bath despite her rough behaviour and rebellious spirit.
I have 2 daughters and can really see the attraction of your website and stories about fairies. Little girls love pretty things and fantasies about imaginary worlds where magic can happen. I really like that websites like yours exist for the amusement and entertainment of all young girls, since I think it is important that children have a childhood that they can enjoy and that they may pass on in stories to their own children.
Thank you. That is nice to hear. I hope you get a chance (if you haven’t do so already) to show your daughters some of the content on the site! Best wishes.
This is my 2nd post to read for this site. I was led to it from the “troublesome princess” previous post. I’ve signed up for the newsletter, because I can’t wait to read more of Stephanie the princess!
I left the comment on WA.
Lovely writing 🙂
Thank you very much Teri! And thanks also for the comment about the site font and it’s great that you are signed up to the mailing list! Stay tuned!
Also, love this font you are using!
This website is an enchanting treasure trove for anyone captivated by the whimsical world of fairies! From folklore and mythology to modern interpretations, this website beautifully celebrates the magic and wonder of these mystical beings. The articles are engaging and informative, delving into various aspects of fairy lore and their significance in different cultures. I especially love the vibrant artwork and photography that adorn the pages, adding to the site’s charm. However, I’m curious about the community aspect of your website. Are there any forums or discussion boards where fairy enthusiasts can connect and share their experiences or insights? Keep spreading the magic!
Thanks very much for this engaging and thought provoking comment Robin. I think that is a great idea about creating a forum space for lovers of fairy lore and mythical tales. I must look into that. Have a great day.
So Stephanie is finally home. I have been following your story and you are a great writer. I was surprised to see how docile and humble Stephanie was in this post compared to when she lived on earth. She seems a shadow of her former self.
I will keep reading to see what happens and if she marries Joyce eventually or maybe ends up running away.
Are you planning on publishing this or keeping it on this website?
Hi Michel, that’s great to hear that you are following along with the episodes of this story and are enjoying it.
Yes, Stephanie does appear to be going along with what is expected of her to an extent and you could say there is an element of humility as well. But she already tried resisting and being rebellious and that didn’t get her anywhere. She also needs physical support until she learns to walk normally in the temp-body and in her new location.
Yes, I hope that this will become a published work one day.
Your fantastical narrative skillfully immerses readers in the magical realm of fairies and the captivating journey of Princess Stephanie. The vivid descriptions of the procession, coupled with Stephanie’s internal struggles and the mischievous antics of the younger fairies, create a rich tapestry of emotions and intrigue.
Stephanie’s complex past as a notorious leader of criminals adds a layer of tension and curiosity to the unfolding story. The clash between her earthly background and the expectations of fairy royalty promises an engaging exploration of identity and transformation.
The scene at the Banquet Hall is filled with sensory details, from the music and dancing to the vibrant array of food. Stephanie’s reluctance and anxiety in the face of her royal responsibilities are palpable, making readers empathize with her journey.
As the story progresses, readers are left eager to discover how Stephanie will navigate her new role, reconcile her past, and forge her destiny in the fairy realm. The dynamics between Stephanie, her parents, and potential suitors like Joyce introduce intriguing possibilities for the narrative’s development.
Your storytelling prowess shines through, creating a world that beckons readers to explore its enchanting corners. I’m excited to see how Stephanie’s character evolves and what adventures await her in this magical realm. Keep weaving the spellbinding tale!
Many thanks Kyle. It has been great to read your thoughts on this part of the story that follows the wayward fairy princess! I greatly appreciate the in-depth feedback. Best wishes.
Hey Dominic,
Wow. This is a great piece. Escorting a fragile fairy princess into a banquet hall showcases the intricacies of fairy society, its customs, and the challenges of integrating someone who was brought up outside their norms, raising thought-provoking questions about cultural assimilation, the pressure of conforming to predetermined roles, and the inner struggles between one’s nature and societal expectations. How does the fairy community accept individuals with vastly different life experiences? And how can this story help us understand the significance of empathy and tolerance when confronting personal and cultural barriers? Such tales provide entertainment and deeper insight into questions of identity and acceptance within any community. Nice work. Keep up.
Hi Sara, thanks for this great comment and also for the questions. Well, the fairies are doing their best to make Stephanie conform to the standards of a higher world princess rather than accept her for what is currently is. You also asked: ‘And how can this story help us understand the significance of empathy
and tolerance when confronting personal and cultural barriers?’ I think and hope that the story makes people feel for Stephanie’s difficult position. Vanessa and Veronica do show some understanding and consideration for her but from their perspective Stephanie must conform to her rightful role. She is very important to the Higher World.
Thanks again.