Garlandwood – A Realm of Lush Forests and Rivers

Bordering the Province of Alphiabrook is the large, densely forested land of Garlandwood. The roots of many of its tall trees drink freely from the large network of rivers, streams and trickles that issue from the Great Peaks Mountains and flow through the lush, woody Realm.

Due to the abundance of timber, Garlandwood became known for its high concentration of tree houses. In fact, the average fairy dwelling place there is a tree house.

Inhabitants of this Province have many activities to attend to and during their free time, it is not unusual to see a fairy enjoying herself in the water or lounging on a river bank or a fallen Tree trunk, relaxing by dabbling in the water and taking in the rays of sun light that beam through the trees.

A Fairy Relaxing in Garlandwood

There are a great many plants, and tame creatures both in the rivers and the woods of the Province. Many fairies come from other Provinces to explore Garlandwood.

A Fairy from another Province Explores the waters in Garlandwood

In the Crime or Crown series, the first fairy we meet who is from this woodland province is Veronica Garlandwood.

She ends up working in the Royal Province as a maid in Queen Claudia’s Palace. One of her positions was to be a maid to Princess Stephanie. She does this with another fairy called Vanessa of Alphiabrook. But after Stephanie hits her during an angry outburst, she ceases to be one of her maids and Vanessa is then the chief maid of the Princess.

Veronica Garlandwood, a fairy who worked as a Royal Maid

It was thanks to Vanessa that Veronica was able to get a position in the Royal Province. This was due to a friendship that she had long shared with the upper class and wealthy Vanessa, a fairy who still had some taste for adventure and Exploring the forests of Garlandwood, but eventually she convinced her friend Veronica that working in the Palace with her would be better and she could use her influence with authorities, and even the queen to bring this about.

Vanessa of Alphiabrook enjoying her time off

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