Jane Learns to Communicate With The Higher World


(Background info: When the missing fairy princess, Stephanie Bell is finally returned to the higher world after rejecting it on account of being raised on earth and corrupted by its influence, and becoming a notorious leader of criminals, two of her fairy friends, the six-year-old twins, Ella and Agnes Goldshine, ask the Queen to send … Read more

Fairies Make a Plan in Glade Haven Forest


(Background info: This follows the tale of Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell, the firstborn of the Fairy Queen, who was summoned to earth by a meddler in witchcraft in her infant years. Despite efforts to return her, she ended up being raised on earth which in the modern age is now too corrupt for the average fairy … Read more

Stephanie Goes To Fairy Knowledge School


(Background info: Princess Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell has recently been returned to the higher world after being raised on earth with its corupting influence which led her into crime where she also formed the Safer Streets criminal gang. She is now being educated, despite her reluctance, rebellious spirit and longing to return to earth. She is … Read more

Personal Maid of A Rebellious Princess


(Background info. The fairies have reclaimed the Firstborn Princess from a life of being lost on earth. After getting into crime and running her own gang, Stephanie is suddenly faced with having to live as a royal fairy; one who is next in line for the Crown of the Higher World). With much skill, persistence … Read more

Princess Stephanie Finally Returns to the Higher World


For some time, Jane had been asking Carletta to visit the house again and watch her dance because with the help of her highly talented friend, Stella Harlington, she had been going from strength to strength in the challenging skills of ballet and simply had to show Carletta her progress.  Carletta finally agreed to see … Read more

A Fairy Mentor Sends Her Apprentice to the Lower World


The newly trained fairy, Saltina Nightingale of Maracynthiavale stood before her strict and frightfully powerful mentor, Eva-Claire Yellowblossom, the most mighty fairy of her time throughout the entire United Provinces of the Higher World. It was a somewhat emotional moment for the two of them because Saltina was to be sent on her very first … Read more