Saltors – The Name For Male Fairies, Sometimes Also Called Elves

In the universe of the Crime or Crown novel series, a Saltor is a higher world male while a Fairy is a higher world female. Fairies used to be called Zelandars but when they began visiting Earth, humans developed the word fairy and the Inhabitants of the higher world started to use it informally. Gradually, they came to like and use the word so much that it ended up replacing the word Zelandar. Fairies then became the normal term for females and was sometimes even used to refer to any being from the higher world. For example, one might say, ‘The fairies seldom show themselves to humans.’ Or, ‘Fairykind, a mysterious species, are a superior race from a higher world.’

As for the word saltor, it remained the official term for a male of the higher world. Like the fairies, they too would sometimes visit earth but without revealing much about themselves. They tended to go on errands of benevolence, helping humans out in various kind and generous ways. For this, they were also given a name by humans – Elves. But the word Elf didn’t quite make it into being adopted by the higher world as the official replacement of the word Saltor. And so it remained the formal term, while ‘elf’ stayed as an informal and lesser used term.

Both fairies and Saltors developed a practice in the past of influencing the sense perceptions of humans and using an art called Condensed form which made them appear small to humans and even childlike sometimes. This was done to avoid intimidating us.

Human Impression of a Saltor, known to us as an elf

They also used wing channels more frequently in those days which are special devices Strapped to their backs through which they can channel energy so that it transforms through the channel and its openings into luminous, slightly transparent wings. Higher ranking Saltors and Fairies can use these quite efficiently but the devices gradually became old Fashioned and were also considered unnecessary, much like fairy shoes.

A Gathering of Linguists and Governing Officials

Long ago, a meeting was held comprised of linguists and dignitaries called the Council of Alphiabrook where it was discussed whether the word elf which had begun to be used a lot in the higher world, should be encouraged and eventually be allowed to replace the word Saltor.

The council was called by His Majesty Tezmenork II who was the current reigning monarch. the word ‘fairy’ had already fully replaced the word ‘Zelandar’ and there were some who thought the word ‘elf’ was suitable to adopt as a replacement for the word ‘saltor.’

But others were against the idea that the lower species should have so much sway over the integrity of the higher world language and its use of Specific words and terms.

Arnold de’Flay led the opposition to the term ‘Elf’ and ‘Elves’ coming into mainstream usage and his party ultimately prevailed.

Citizens were then encouraged not to use the term Elf or elves when refering to males but it was not altogher forbidden to occasionally refer to a higher world male as an elf or more than one as elves.

arnold de’Flay a prominent Council member who argued against ‘Elf’ replacing ‘Saltor’

Luke Aldenwise Highborn Visits A Human Being

There was a fairy who had been trained to withstand the Corrupting pull of our world and was sent on an important mission to earth. It was to urge the lost and fallen fairy Princess Stephanie Bell to return to the Higher World.

Although this initial attempt failed, she was able to endure Earth without Succumbing to Evil and later passed on what she had learned to her brother.

This fairy was Sophia Rosemaracynthia Highborn, Commonly called Sophia-Highborn and her brother was Luke Aldenwise Highborn, commonly called Luke-Highborn.

After several pleads, he too was permitted to visit Earth on a traditional ‘Errand of Benevolence.’

While doing his tour of our world, Luke Aldenwise Highborn noticed a girl leaving her homemade Chocolate chip cookies out for the elves whom she believed to be real because her father had told her that they sometimes dwelt at the bottom of the garden.

Sad to think that the cookies might go stale and the girl suffer disappointment, he took them and left her a note saying that they were well made but that he would not need more until next year.

She was utterly delighted and dressed herself up as a fairy and made a hut out of stones for him.

seeing him one day, she called out and said “This hut is for you to live in cute elf!” But he just smiled and left her, never more to return, unless he got permission for another visit to her in a year’s time.

Luke Aldenwise Highborn, called ‘the cute elf’ by a human girl

As it turned out, he was granted permission to visit her once again the following year. But this time she wasn’t as easy to find. But he did learn that her name was Amy White because he saw a drawing of himself that she had done and left her name at the bottom of it. The drawing was in the stone hut which was still there and showed him taking the cookies.

The drawing looked nothing like him and the cookies were way too big looking but it was enough to touch his heart. On the back of it he wrote ‘thank you for the drawing. Yours devotedly, the cute elf.’

Later he sensed her presence in a forest and went to search for her. There she was feeding the rabbits with a basket that contained lettuce and a chopped up carrot.

He also noticed that a lone wolf was stalking her and looking for the right opportunity to pounce. He carefully put the wolf to sleep and then Beckoned for her to follow him. She did so and he led her safely home where her mother and father were anxiously searching for her and told her never to go there on her own again.

It was only much later when the girl was sixteen that Luke Aldenwise Highborn was allowed to see her for the last time. She had learned that he never actually spoke but sometimes wrote brief notes to her. This time he approached her while she was on a swing and handed her a small letter with a smile, explaining that he could no longer continue their friendship because she was getting too old now and there was a danger that they might fall in love.

Amy nodded and took the news of his departure Graciously because he had such a calming and positive presence about him. But as he left her with his usual kind smile, she realised that he had broken her heart and probably his own as well.

2 thoughts on “Saltors – The Name For Male Fairies, Sometimes Also Called Elves”

  1. It’s fascinating to learn about the distinctions between Saltors, Fairies, and Elves in the Higher World. These entities seem to have unique roles and histories. I wonder, aside from their visits to Earth for acts of kindness, do they have specific responsibilities within their realm? Additionally, how do they perceive their interactions with us humans, and has this perception evolved over time?

  2. This site looks very interesting.  As someone who has interest in mythical beings and creatures from reading Hindu Mythology, reading this article is a treat for the eyes.  I think you add some fairy stories from around the world, as it is 2023.  The world is getting smaller and closer due to technology.  I do enjoy reading the article, as this was about fairies and the proper terminology.  I never knew about this until today.  Keep me posted!


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