Save Me From My Office Crush! – Who is Gracie Demachi?

Background info: One who was named ‘Keltolkia’ (Kel for short) is the most astute gang member and recruiter who reports to Stephanie Bell, a missing fairy princess who has closed her heart to the Higher World where she truly belongs. Kel has also been rigorously trained to kill and has already eliminated a number targets assigned to her by the fallen fairy.

“Good old WWCA. Uh, the initials of our business don’t exactly roll off the tongue. We’re still afloat Robin. Nine o’clock sharp tomorrow. Or perhaps a few minutes earlier?”


“Well, that’s if you care to be a gentleman and perhaps be the first one to offer our new employee a coffee?”

“Oh her. Yes of course. And might I add, well done sir for recruiting a maternity cover secretary so quickly.”

His boss grinned on his way out. “Turn up fresh Robin. And get her that morning coffee!”

Robin smiled. “No problem.”

“Oh, and you might just show her the ropes a little if I can’t give her my full attention.” His boss then disappeared into the elevator.

Robin never knew why fit looking Brenden kept insisting on using the elevator when it was only two short flights of stairs to the ground floor. It had to be because bosses tend to be pretentious. But feeling valued and looking forward to the next morning, he drove home in relatively good spirits for a Monday evening after another day at World Wide Corporate Advisors.

The alarm on his phone buzzed and chimed as usual the next morning. Robin sighed. But that brief little conversation last night between him and his boss sprang back to his mind.

Ah, yes. The new secretary! Let’s go. But shoot! What was her name? Ah, yes, Grace, it was Grace. He would say to her ‘welcome Grace, I’m Robin. Care for a coffee before we get rolling today?’ Yes, that should do just fine. Now, time to sharpen up. And some generous sprays of ‘Armani Stronger With You’ will hardly be a bad idea. But wait. It’s only a temporary employee. What if she doesn’t even look good? Oh, never mind. I like that thought of being a gentleman and staying in Brenden’s good books. The aim isn’t to get off with this new woman, but let’s be honest, it’s always a little exciting when a new female coworker comes in to join the team. Yep, I’m gonna be there before Lowrance, Andy and all the other males in our department.

After a more rushed than usual breakfast, he dumped the plate and mug beside the sink and headed out to his car. He caught himself smiling as he slammed the car door shut. Time to hit the road!

He took his usual route to the office and cranked up the radio. It was a pleasant enough ride without a ridiculous amount of traffic. Leaving earlier really did make all the difference. But wait! Something doesn’t feel right. Curse it! Briefcase, wallet and lunch are all sitting back home on that stupid, granny style coffee table! He might still make it if he hurried back. He hit the dashboard with his fist in frustration and pulled up behind another car. Once that car moved, he would turn left and take that road on the way back home.

The traffic lights turned green but the car in front of him didn’t move. Robin shook his head. He couldn’t wait any longer. He punched the horn. Beeep! And again. Beeep!! Still nothing. He bounced out of his car and briskly walked up to the one in front. “Hey! Some time today?!”

At last, the car moved, heading straight on.

Robin shook his head. Frustration had been mounting and there was still his things to get before he could finally reach the office.

He slammed his car door shut again and noticed that he should have got petrol yesterday. “Oh, now give me a break!” It would have to wait till after work hours. The car should still run for a good while yet.

Then, ‘ping!’ A text.

‘Counting on you to be on time Robin! And help that new lady settle in.’

His heart sank a little. The boss would be let down and he wouldn’t be on time for Grace if he didn’t hurry.

The way back was smooth enough and he was able to be quite free with the accelerator. He rushed inside, grabbed the items on the coffee table and was quite rapidly back on the road.

A sense of hope and mild excitement hit him as he realised he might just make it after all.

But no. The last stretch turned into a classic traffic jam with all the painful, unavoidable waiting that goes with it. 

He had to do the sensible thing. A text to his boss. ‘Left important stuff at the apartment and stuck in traffic now. Apologies.’

‘Can’t be helped Robin. Just arrive when you can. Andy will look after our new staff member.’

He had failed. And Andy had beaten him to the newbie.

Seven minutes past nine and Robin finally entered the office. He glanced at his boss who seemed distracted but gave him a nod and a thumbs up. There was nothing to do but head straight to work.

He murmured under his breath. “Sorry Brenden.” And entered his own office. 

It was amazing. The psychological change of not starting work on time. He felt behind already. As quickly as possible he brought his focus back to what needed to be done.

He was getting back into gear when he heard two firm knocks on his door.

For goodness’ sake! An interrogation for being seven minutes late?

He coughed. “Come in.”

It was Andy with the new coworker.

Robin immediately got to his feet.

“Uh, this is Robin,” said Andy.

The young secretary smiled.

“Welcome” said Robin, “Grace, is it?”

She tilted her head understandingly. “Close enough. It’s Gracie.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Gracie. I must have misheard.”

She looked absolutely charming to Robin but he was careful not to show any signs of interest. He had to keep things professional.

“Speaking of mishearing” said Gracie, “I certainly didn’t mishear you today when you shouted at me on the road.”

Robin couldn’t believe it. After a moment’s thought, the horrible truth had just hit him. The person in the car in front of him at the lights whom he had yelled at was her!

“Good Lord! I’m so very sorry Gracie. I…”

“No need. I got a little lost on the way here and was trying to make sure I didn’t make a wrong turn. Sorry to have delayed you.”

Robin flushed and Andy laughed a little. “Well, you’ve seen Robin on a stressful day. Let’s see now. Who else have I to introduce you to? Come this way.”

Utterly mortified, Robin sank back into his chair.

But he caught Gracie’s eye on the way out.

“See you at break time?” she said.

There was a pause.

Then, “uh, yes of course.” And he smiled. Looking through the glass, he noticed her smiling too as she followed Andy on the rest of her ‘first day at the office’ tour.

The sound of her high-heels gradually faded.

Robin got back to work, still feeling keen embarrassment, but a touch of excitement at the same time. And yes, he was certainly looking forward to break time.

The hours crept by and he had started fighting against distractions. That face. That smile. That voice. The way she carried herself. He wasn’t really in control and it started to worry him. Gracie, the newcomer, Gracie, Gracie in the white blouse and black skirt, Gracie, Gracie and all morning nothing but Gracie was on his mind.

Robin Baker Suffers from Distraction at Work After Meeting Gracie

Meeting Her at Lunch Break

It was five minutes to one. Five minutes and Robin could leave his desk for lunch break. People at the office were quite free to do what they wanted and go wherever they pleased for the lunch hour. Some would eat in the large cafeteria or find a place to eat out, while others would contently munch on something while strolling in the nearby park and perhaps tossing the odd pinch of crumbs down for those good old urban birds, the pigeons.

As for Robin, he had one thought. Meet Gracie in the cafeteria. That’s where she was bound to be. But he should wait a little and show up a few minutes after one. It’s never good to look too eager.

And that’s exactly what he did. After waiting quite painfully until it was four minutes past one, and worrying that she may have already seen that he wasn’t there and gone somewhere else, Robin finally made a move.

He casually entered the cafeteria where there must have been about six or seven people according to the corner of his eye’s point of view.

Very soon he heard a voice from the other end of the room near the microwave.

“Hi Robin.”

It was her. His heart pumped a blast of excitement that glided sweetly through him, making his eyes pop a little wider open.

He maintained a calm and casual composure. “Hi there Gracie. How goes it so far?”

“Good thanks. And you’ll never guess!” Her accent was rather upper class but young, fresh and beautifully feminine.

He observed her physical and inner beauty as she came towards him and caught the smell of her unapologetic and captivating perfume. This girl had to be a model or dancer, or something.


“Any guesses?” Her head tilted to one side and he saw her eyes twinkle. This was obviously entertaining for her.

He shrugged. “I d’know. You delivered a baby in the elevator or something? You know, like Laurel Castillo in How to Get Away With Murder?” He then rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Sorry. That was below the belt.”

At that she burst out laughing and everyone looked in her direction. “Oh, what a scream you are Robin! But no! Nothing of the kind. And how dare you suggest that!”

That terribly attractive, rather girly laugh continued.

Robin loosened up and laughed a little with her. “I know. That was terrible. I’d actually say you’re definitely too slim and smart for having a baby in the lift. Okay, go on then. I give up. Tell me.”

Still laughing for a bit, she eventually sighed and then cleared her throat. “Okay. Here it is. Andy asked me out! On my first day! I mean I… aha, I couldn’t believe it!”

“Asked you out? Really?”

“Yep. Ever heard the likes?! A man who just goes straight for it, right?! Sweep a woman off her feet!”

“Goodness me. That Andy’s boldness knows no limits. Did you accept?”

“Well, I said I’ll have a quick think and let him know this evening. We had quite a lengthy chat while he was showing me around. Okay, so tell me. What do you think of him?”

Robin briefly looked away and coughed lightly.

When he resumed eye contact, he noticed she looked confused and almost offended. “Well?”

“Yes, Andy’s a fine man for sure. Really. Heart of gold and all that. Good colleague of mine too.”

“Aww, thank you Robin.” She then giggled again and scuttled back to the microwave to take her meal out.

The way she half ran in those heels, swaying a little as she moved was yet another aspect of her that quickly added to that fast developing crush he had on her.

He blinked several times while his mind absorbed the awful news and his heart felt that hollow plunge of dissatisfaction. How brutally anti-climactic that conversation was. Andy had snapped her up on day one. And as for me, he thought, all I’ve done for her so far is shout at her on the road, arrive late and forget her adorable name! A bit unfair of Andy not to have given anyone else a chance to have a go at Gracie. Mind you, he probably would have done the same himself. All is fair in love and war as they say. He frowned at that last thought. Blast! Had he really just let slip what was beginning to look like the woman of his dreams?

Never mind all that for now. It was time to eat and get back to normality.

But he felt hurt, bitterly disappointed, and as he opened his unappealing lunch-box, that white one with the red lid, he realised that he didn’t feel like eating just then. This was a problem. That beautiful woman was probably expecting him to eat at the same table as her and continue their chat where they could share more fun exchanges and updates about themselves with each other. But feeling under strong pressure, he took a deep breath, signed gently and walked away. He would go outside and get some fresh air. God forbid Andy should show up while he was chatting with Gracie and suspect something.

He heard her cough as he left the cafeteria and the tone of it told him she didn’t approve of him leaving like that and even perhaps suspected that he liked her. He sensed trouble and the blood ran to his face. This was all getting painfully precarious and out of hand. He felt nowhere near prepared to hurt Andy’s feelings since he had been a colleague and friend of his for years.

But Gracie was strong willed and voiced her displeasure. “Robin! Where are you off to? Are you bored of me already?”

He muttered a swear word to himself. He had no idea how to react to her but managed to shrug and answer back in a bit of a mumble. “Gotta get some fresh air but I’ll be right back.”

“Okay. I’d come with you but I can’t eat this outside.”

“No worries. Catch up in a bit.”

As he headed for the stairs he noticed Andy heading down the same way with him.

Andy Bullman was quite the nerd. He didn’t actually hang out with Robin or anyone else that much. People had gotten used to him being ‘the single guy.’ It seemed strange that he suddenly went for a pretty woman. He must really have been smitten. Andy had a head of black curls and a rather unkept looking beard. He was that rather typical single guy nerd who geeked out on many things including computers, the internet, digital games, various theories and was considered to have a very high IQ.

As Robin caught his glance on the way down the stairs, Andy gave him a thumbs up. “Alright Robin?”

“Yeah. I’m alright mate. You?”

“Uh, y’know, this client was acting as if they are the only thing in the world that matters and as if all my time is available for them alone. You know what I mean? Those self-centred, annoying types.”

“Oh God, yes. I get you.”

Andy continued to ramble on about work related things while Robin finally couldn’t resist brining the subject round to Gracie.

“Um, I’m a little surprised you’re not eating up in the cafeteria.”

Andy squinted his eyes. It was a confused expression. “Why would I be eating up in the cafeteria?”

“Well, you made a move on Gracie! And hats off to you my man! Can’t say I’d have had the um, y’know… that… that was brave! But why stop the chase now?”

“Oh, she thought I wanted a date did she? Damn it. I thought the context was clear. No wonder she was hesitant. Who does that anyway? To a brand new employee?! You know, it’s like hi sweety, here’s the office and I’ll show you my bed later.” He then laughed. “What I really need from her is…” He then broke into a whisper and spoke in Robin’s ear. “Information.”

“You need information? Okay, come on. What are you on about?”

Andy swiftly left the building, walking briskly and beckoned for Robin to come with him. Robin quickened his pace and followed alongside him.

“Okay, be careful of this Gracie Robin. I’m carrying out some independent research on her myself. Something more thorough than what’s required by the usual procedure because there was just something about her that seemed strange to me. Quite a few things actually.”

“Really?! Okay, I’m listening.”

“Look, Gracie Demachi is someone I’ll only feel comfortable having in the office when I uncover more about her background and confirm that there’s nothing to be alarmed about. That’s all I can tell you for now. And of course, you mustn’t start blowing a whistle on me.”

“No way. You pursue what you need to Andy. I’d just love to know exactly what it is you’re suspicious about though.” He then widened his eyes and shook his head, bewildered. “Pfff. I mean do you think she’s some kind of undercover agent for the CIA or what?”

“How very unimaginative Robin. We wouldn’t want that thought to haunt you, now would we? Ex-Pentagon employee slips up and gets fired, but only to be scooped up by the CIA and turned into a deadly asset based in Britain!” They both started laughing together. “Oh no Robin. Don’t you worry old boy. I’m sure it’s not going to turn out to be quite that extreme.” And they laughed again.

About half an hour later, Robin made his way back to the office. He was relieved that Gracie wasn’t about to be taken by Andy.

He passed her as she was on her way out of the lady’s toilets and she stopped in her tracks.


“Hi Gracie. I got caught up a bit there.”

She raised and rolled her eyes. “I’ve decided I’ll see Andy another night but umm…”


“See there’s actually a party on. Like… tonight. I could drive you if you wanted a bit more of a catch up? I could then take you back to collect your car, or we kip over at the house and I take us to work the next day?”

“Oh, uh, really? What party?”

“An informal house one for a friend. Zoe. She graduated the other day. Won’t be a big deal. There’ll be a nice buffet there.”

He laughed a little. “And why invite me, Gracie?”

“I want to get off on the right foot with my new workmates. Do something nice and all that. I’ll be able to tell my friends you’re one of my new colleagues. Haven’t seen much of you so far so thought I’d invite you? No pressure of course.”

This felt absolutely impossible to resist. A whole evening with Gracie! And they would be in the car together. Just the two of them!

He smiled. “Give me a time and I’ll be right with you Gracie.”

She clapped her hands. “Brilliant! Let’s leave together after work.”

“Sure. See you then.”

A huge smile came over his face as he went to calm those jumpy nerves in his office. It seemed too good to be true.

Was he worried about what Andy said? No. Andy was odd and all over the place when it came to women. He was weird. And Robin wouldn’t let that vague, ‘be careful of her’ nonsense spoil a good night. This was an exciting moment.

The rest of the day flew by. Robin had never felt on such good form for as long as he could remember. He was in such a heightened mood that everyone who passed by or interacted with him, including the boss, smiled to themselves. Something was really going well for Robin.

The end of work hours came and Robin didn’t stop this time as he often did to exchange a few words with Brenden. He went straight for the exit.

Sure enough, Gracie was there, leaning on one foot and tilting her head a little to one side with a rather cheeky smile.

“Come on Robin. We’re still doing this right?”

“Yeah, sure. But shouldn’t I follow you in my car?”

She laughed. “Seriously? What’s the fun in that? There’ll be nothing but distraction at the party. But suit yourself I suppose.”

Then it finally hit him. It was that kind of thought that strikes you really sweetly and welcomingly. She fancied him!

His heart began beating fast as he broke into another broad smile.

She left the building first and he followed her. But he saw a text come in from an unknown number. ‘Robin, be careful. Don’t be alone with the newcomer until I uncover more. Delete this message immediately.’

Andy Bullman Suspects Something Isn’t Right About Gracie Demachi

It had to be Andy. That silly man! For goodness’ sake. If Andy was going to be alone with her himself, how dare he dictate that he, Robin couldn’t be alone with her?! It was ridiculous. He would ignore the text and enjoy the night out with Gracie.

In the Car & Falling in Love

There he was in the evening sun following the woman who had set his heart so alive. Her car was sleek. He had to admit to himself that it was far more classy than his own. She gestured for him to get in. He climbed inside. Gracie put on a pair of sunshades.

It was just so exiting being right next to her. He quickly noticed how perfectly she controlled her expensive, high profile vehicle. It was reversed effortlessly and was soon cursing down the road. He laughed loudly. “Go Mrs. Bond!” She laughed.

He was careful not to be that guy who asks endless questions. She would soon get talking about herself. He wanted her to do it naturally and to feel comfortable. Unfortunately, the next thing she did was say, “Okay, I’m gonna kick things off with a bit of music.” And her hand went to the radio and speakers which she connected to her smartphone.

They were going at a fine speed. “Ah, this’ll do.” She had found some song to play. It was Venus by a band he remembered called Shocking Blue. Her speakers were great quality. The lyrics chimed in with the loud, energic music and timely beats.

It was a rather dated song but went to his heart and made him long to have her one day as his girlfriend. All during that day, and perhaps especially during the loud playing of that song, he felt like he was falling more and more in love with her.

The lyrics played boldly:

A goddess on the mountain top. Was burning like a silver flame. The Summit of beauty and love. and Venus was her name.’

He dared to look over at her with a slightly suggestive smile. But her eyes were fixed on the road and still behind those expensive looking sunglasses. She was so damn beautiful.

But could she really be interested in him? He wondered. And the song kept blaring away as he screwed the window down slightly and thought of how comfortable the light brown leather covered seat was.

She’s got it. Yeah Baby, she’s got it. Well, I’m your Venus, I’m your fire, at your desire.

And it repeated. He was singing along in his head. ‘I’m your Venus. I’m your fire. At your desire.’

She was driving at high speed. Since leaving less than ten minutes ago, she had already smoothly overtaken five cars.

Robin is Surprised at How Fast Gracie Drives

She swerved round a corner and he clutched his seat.

The music continued.

‘Her weapons were her crystal eyes. Making every man mad. Black as the dark night she was. Got what no one else had. Whoa!’

He gave a thumbs up and said, raising his voice, “nice tune!”

She briefly glanced back. “Sorry?”

“I said nice tune there!”

“Oh, yeah, haha.”

The music continued playing until Robin felt a slight tingling sense of fear. This woman was a stranger. Maybe it was a rash move after all to just jump in a car with her on day one. Just like Andy had warned. Another thought entered his mind. Were they really going to a house party on a random weekday? Once more he looked over at Gracie but again, she seemed too distracted to notice him. He would have to start talking soon and get some more information from her.

In a sense it was to be regretted that he had fallen for her so hard and so quickly. That certainly wouldn’t work to his advantage if there really was something off about this mysterious beauty.

He coughed. “Hey Gracie.” But there was no answer. “Gracie?” he said again. And again, as the music died down, “so Gracie?” But she was silent, her eyes fixed on the road.

Stephanie’s Deadly ‘Right Hand,’ Keltolkia, Seductive Recruiter and Trained Killer

15 thoughts on “Save Me From My Office Crush! – Who is Gracie Demachi?”

  1. The tension and irony in Robin’s story are striking, especially how his initial eagerness to impress the new secretary, Gracie, is undercut by an unforeseen, awkward encounter. It’s a sharp reminder of how our best-laid plans can be quickly upended by unexpected circumstances, and how first impressions in the workplace can be both crucial and unpredictable.

  2. Hi Dominic, who hasn’t been bitten by the office-crush bug? Some of us learn to not pursue them, others never do. The possibility of a fatal attraction is always there. Your writing skills are phenomenal. You bring the reader into the story. Somehow, I knew there’d be twists and turns and I expected the unexpected. The story kept me in suspense, only to be brought to a cliff-hanger. You know how to touch on the inner feelings. At our core, all of us want basically the same thing. The problem is, sometimes our thinking becomes clouded, if not blind. Keep up the good work. I’m glad to have found your site and I look forward to reading more from you.


    • These are some great thoughts Bob and I love the feedback. Thank you. It sounds like you may have experienced an office crush in the past or know someone who has. Interesting also that you said we all gravitate to the same kind of thing at our core.

      Many thanks for your interest in this and other stories on the site.

      Best wishes Bob,


  3. Gracie Demachi’s story resonates with so many of us! It’s fascinating how the blend of fantasy and reality in this narrative captures the complexities of workplace relationships. Her character’s journey through the nuances of a crush in a professional setting offers a unique perspective that’s both relatable and thought-provoking. Really appreciate the depth and the subtle humor intertwined in this tale.

  4. Wow, what an intriguing topic! I can totally relate to the whole ‘office crush’ dilemma. It’s such a fine line to navigate, especially when emotions come into play. I checked out the article on fairyfandom about ‘Save Me From My Office Crush’ featuring Gracie Demachi, and it’s like they’ve delved into a scenario many of us have found ourselves in at some point. The blend of humor and real-life situations in Gracie’s story made it so relatable.

  5. Hey thanks for the opportunity to read your article/. I don’t really have much to relate to with personal experiences in regards to the article. I would have to say that I have been in many forms of work over the years and you are bang on, life in general can be unpredictable.

  6. Hi Dominic! I just finished reading the post, and I must say it was a riveting read.

    The way you’ve portrayed Gracie Demachi’s character is truly captivating. Her strength, intelligence, and charm make her a compelling character that readers can easily connect with.

    The dynamics of the office environment and the budding romance between Gracie and her office crush add an exciting layer to the narrative. It’s interesting to see how their relationship evolves amidst the professional setting.

    Having thoroughly enjoyed the story of Gracie Demachi, I am eagerly looking forward to reading more of your captivating narratives.

    Best wishes,


  7. Hi there, I have visited your website before and wanted to come back for another look. It was nice to find this new post about Gracie Demachi. I really enjoyed this one too. 

    The office dynamics with a little romance involved always makes for interesting reading don’t you think?

    It is also interesting how you have woven Gracie’s personality into the story. By the way, I wanted to ask you something, is Gracie based on someone you know in real life, or is she purely a creation of your imagination?

    Keep up the great work, looking forward to more posts like this.

    • Hello Chris!

      Great to hear from you again and it’s great to know you enjoyed this piece as well as the last one you read.

      Yes, I agree it can make for an intense story when you have elements of romance at the office, a bit like Suits, the Netflix series.

      To answer your question, yes, I do know someone called Gracie but she is nothing like the one here in the story. So you could say the character is just another creation of mine.

      Thanks again!


  8. I love the combination of mystery and romance in this story. Gracie is quite an intriguing character. The warning from Andy seems to add a layer of danger. The plot twists are keeping me on the edge of my seat. I am curious to see where this story will lead. 

    There seems to be something about Gracie. She is such an enigmatic character, leaving me at the edge of my seat wanting to learn more about her. I am curious about her true motives and intentions. 

  9. Hi 

    This article is a beauty.  It got me hooked until the end. I was so into this story that I even forgot that it was fairy.  Its like I can read it again and again. This  article is really really interesting. I wish you could write more of these fairies.  I’m going to follow your website with the hope of coming across another fairy. You are good at it. My little request would be for you to add some more images just  to break the sea of text a bit.

    Thank you so much for sharing


    • Thank you so much Richard. So happy to hear that the narrative is engaging to read.

      Yes, thanks for the pointer. I will have more images in the next post.

      Take care.



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