Sophia-Highborn, Candidate Number Seven

(Background info: This follows the tale of the Royal Spokespersons Unit as they try to form a solution regarding the firstborn princess who has been living on earth since she was an infant due to being stolen by a summoning spell. The Lower World is a dangerous place to send fairies these days because of its power to corrupt. Currently, Carletta (Princess Stephanie) has rejected her place in the Higher World and is pursuing a secret life of crime on earth).

The Queen looked slightly more cheerful and hopeful as she came back into the room to resume the meeting. Clearly, she was expecting to be told that all or at least most members of the R.S.U. were in agreement with her proposal to repeal the Act of Suppression and reopen the S.Q.D. of Shorniavale.

But one by one, they all told her that they were not in favour of her proposal.

“We do however, have an alternative proposal, thanks to Vonlivia,” said Vanessa, hoping to prevent the Queen from falling into an angry mood.  

The Queen then turned to her and said, “This unit is completely dysfunctional. Katriona is absent. And where is Justin? Do not dare tell me you expelled him during the recess, Vanessa.”

“I did indeed, Your Majesty, and unless commanded to revoke it, I have no qualms in standing by my decision. I judged it to be necessary in order to maintain coherency, correct procedure, efficiency and discipline within the group. He who puts feelings before duty can hardly be considered worthy to continue operating in his former high estate as a member of Your Majesty’s Royal Spokespersons Unit. Furthermore…”

“That will do! What a tone Vanessa! We shall speak further about your decision in private. Now give me the alternative proposal and if I do not like it, we will reschedule this meeting and all had better be present the next time around.”

Vanessa then read from the paper that Talrania had given her containing the plan proposed by Vonlivia and endorsed by all the other members.

The Queen seemed quite expressionless as it was read out. All were dreading that she wouldn’t like it and try to insist on her original plan or on another of her own making.

Vanessa Lumingale (left), Head of the R.S.U. is also a close Advisor of the Monarch and is often referred to as the ‘Queen’s Right Hand.’

There was an intense pause after it had been read out. But finally, to everyone’s relief, the Queen abruptly said, “It is good. See to it that this proposal is carried out. Prepare messengers to pass through every city and every town of every Province. Let them alert the people that the Palace is looking for a suitable candidate to carry out an exceptional task. Give them the details of the proposed mission and what it will require of any who may feel moved to volunteer. Prepare also to set in place rigorous interview and approval processes in order to avoid sending down any fairy who is not sufficiently trained and qualified to endure the Lower World. Lastly, tell Vonlivia that she may claim a reward, within reason, for her proposal.”

“At once, Your Majesty,” said Vanessa.

She then signalled for Talrania to relay what the Queen had said to Vonlivia.

Talrania did as instructed and after some time said, “Your Majesty?”


“Vonlivia returns sincerest gratitude and asks whether it would be too much to ask for thirty Roldervalian Spears and Fifty Keldervalian Bows, each with a set of Maritime Arrows from the Master Craftsman of Elsaborne, Southern Keldervale. Apparently, Mermaid craftsmanship, when it comes to weapons, is significantly inferior to land-dwellers, she claims.”

“I know Talrania. Mermaids do not prioritise armour and weapon creation. Send word to the suppliers to give her the weapons and let them know that Alpheabrook will cover the costs. This meeting is now concluded.”

The Queen then stood up and Veronica Garlandwood hurried to assist her. Vanessa gave her usual loud clap and all members made the usual swift bow – ninety-degrees, straight backs, down and up again, and all in perfect unison.

As the Monarch finally left the castle-like room, Vanessa and several others heaved a sigh of relief. The Royal Meeting had been a success.

Light faded as evening crept closer and the gentle green light from the colossal kalper stone pillars fell on the room and caused a glow to occur on the purple, marble-like floor and the pale blue glass under which Vonlivia had positioned herself for the meeting while hovering in the water.

But that day had marked only the beginning of an entirely new task. As to how difficult it would prove to be, that remained to be seen. It had been close to four hundred years since the times when it was permitted and even common practice for fairies to descend to the Lower World. Training one to go there in the present day would certainly be challenging. The candidate would need special training, not easy to explain but involving L.W.E.A. (Lower World Education for Agents) and a toughening and monitoring of their inner being in order to ensure that they had the best chances possible of building up sufficient resilience to the contaminating influence of western, secular humanity.

Since fairies could be powerful and dangerous, especially if corrupt, risks couldn’t be afforded which meant that Mentors and Approval Ministers had to be extremely confident that the fairy who wished to go on the mission would return successfully and unharmed. And if they were not confident enough of this, then the mission would have to be aborted.

One report concerning the first seven applicants was written up as follows:

‘Candidate 1 – Julian of Shorniavale: Showed promise but didn’t build up enough resilience to gain approval to depart the Higher World.

Candidate 2 – Hyacinth-Estella of Lavenders Dale: Considered to be too inwardly delicate to withstand a mission to the Lower World.

Candidate 3 – Saraphana Mountainflame of Roldervale: Didn’t show enough promise to withstand Earth’s power to corrupt. Was often distracted during the training. Complained that it was too intense but on the other hand was reportedly too lazy to study the Lower World thoroughly in her spare time.

Candidate 4 – Saltina-Nightingale of Maracynthiavale: Came close to success, despite initial struggles, but eventually confessed that the mission felt too overwhelming.

Candidate 5 – Luke-Wisegaze of Alpheabrook: Did not perform well enough. Considered well-meaning and disciplined but still unsuitable for a mission to the Lower World.

Candidate 6 – Eva-Claire Yellowblossom of Hermit Mountain: Not even interviewed for the mission. This fairy is far too powerful to be allowed to leave the Higher World.

Candidate 7 – Sophia-Highborn of Lavenders Dale: Showed great inner strength and promise but is considered to be too young for approval.’

After close to a year of carrying out the proposed strategy, some seven hundred fairies in total presented themselves for the mission but sadly, each one of them failed the approval processes and the word began to spread that Alpheabrook was asking for the impossible. Applications for the mission eventually began to decline steadily.

The Queen gradually became extremely difficult to live with and later became more and more withdrawn and began to dress in black and cancel important meetings, much to the distress of the Palace staff and her close associates.

Meanwhile, Carletta stayed in contact with Raymond but only wrote to him occasionally. She stopped actively pursuing crime but continued to study and obsess over it on the quiet. It was one of the few thrills that really stimulated her. She even began to learn about fighting techniques, weapons and sophisticated cover-up and getaway strategies for two future grand heists that she intended to carry out years in the future.

Carletta Sayer (Princess Stephanie) grows up in the Lower World.

Eventually, Vanessa told the Queen in private that although the Approval Ministers were unwilling to approve the seventh candidate due to her young age, nevertheless she was the most promising of all and if she, the Queen, were to use her own authority, she could override the decision of the Approval Ministers and allow Sophia-Highborn to go to the Lower World in pursuit of Princess Stephanie.

“Al Chelsia? Sophia Rosmaracynthia Highborn may be our only hope at this stage,” she told the Queen gently but also quite firmly.

“Oh, for goodness’ sake, Vanessa! Sophia-Highborn is only thirteen years old!”

“Yes, but I have faith in her, Al Chelsia. Why not allow me to bring her before you? Disregard the Approval Ministers. If you are confident that she has what it takes to go to your daughter, then send her. She displays great courage, great inner brightness and high levels of resilience to the Lower World. Princess Stephanie would need a cold heart indeed to turn her back on such a charming creature sent from our realm.”

“Oh, stop it, Vanessa! Your plan won’t work! Stephanie won’t cooperate! I can feel it already. She is so horribly and ungratefully hardened towards me! She even joked about me. She does not even deserve to come here.”

The Queen then burst into choked sobs. But after controlling herself once again with a big effort, she continued, “Moreover, there may well be protests if I disregard the Approval Ministers and send Highborn down to the Lower World. And should any harm come to the young one, we could be facing the threat of Civil War.”

“A little extreme, Al Chelsia, don’t you think? Talk to her and have hope. She will bring you hope even by her presence. I repeat, I have a truly positive feeling about this exceptional candidate.”

“Leave! How dare you tell me that I am being extreme! These are legitimate concerns and you are lightly brushing them all aside. What is wrong with you Vanessa?!”

“I will leave then, Al Chelsia,” said Vanessa and abruptly walked away from the Queen.

As she approached her own home that evening, Vanessa became more and more distressed. Nothing was working. And maybe the Queen was being more sensible than she was in refusing to entertain the idea of going ahead and letting the seventh candidate take on the mission. But if not her, then who?! What were they to do next?

She sighed with a sense of despair as she slowly placed her hand on the doorhandle of her large, luxury mansion’s main entrance.

But a saltor guard called out to her, “Vanessa! I regret bothering you. But the Queen requests your presence in her private chamber.”

She turned round and said, “What? Now?”

“Yes, my Lady. Now. Ride on the back of my steed. Please come with me, my Lady. The Queen wishes it.”

Without a word, Vanessa did as asked. They travelled back to the Queen’s quarters where Vanessa dismounted and quietly walked past all the guards who knew not to speak to her or get in her way.

She then positioned herself behind the Queen’s door and knocked.

“Is that you, Vanessa?” came the Queen’s voice that seemed slightly teary.

“It is, Al Chelsia. Shall I enter?”

“No. But arrange an audience with myself and Sophia-Highborn at Even-Time. And be present with us at the meeting.”

“I see. Yes, of course, Al Chelsia. Now, are you sure about this? I have been thinking… Oh, never mind. Yes, Al Chelsia. I will carry out your bidding at once.”

“Good. Now go.”

“At once, Al Chelsia.”

Vanessa’s heart began to beat fast as she set out for the quiet village of Reed & Cooper’s Stand in the Province of Lavenders Dale, where Sophia-Highborn lived. Many thoughts played on her mind during that journey. Was this really a good idea? Should she try to persuade Sophia-Highborn not to take the mission, even if the Queen were to approve of it? On the other hand, how amazing and truly wonderful it would be if the plan were to succeed.

But when she reached Reed & Cooper’s Stand, she saw the young fairy standing outside her family’s attractive, wooden bungalow with its large flowerbed and Photon-Emitting Crystals situated on its roof. As she walked towards Sophia herself, she noticed that she was somehow already expecting the news.

Vanessa then spoke to her in a low and soothing voice, “The Queen sends for you, Miss Highborn.”

Sophia, who was staring at her, nodded in reply.

Vanessa continued, “If you leave by sunrise, you should reach Alpheabrook by Even-Time.”

This time, there was no response at all, not even a nod. But it was clear that the message had been received. Vanessa thought about whether she should compliment the young fairy on being asked to assist the Queen on such an important case, but decided not to, and this was for two reasons. Firstly, Sophia-Highborn probably already suspected that the Queen intended to send her to the Lower World despite the decision of the Approval Ministers, and secondly, a compliment in this situation could be taken as a form of pressuring the candidate to accept the task.

Controversial Candidate Number Seven, Sophia-Highborn

Once Vanessa had departed for the Palace again, Sophia’s younger brother came up to her and said, “You shouldn’t go. To the Lower World I mean. See the Queen by all means but don’t go on that mission. It is far too perilous and you have already been officially turned down because you are not old enough yet.”

“Someone needs to reach out to Princess Stephanie. I must try, Sabrius.”

“Oh, no. Don’t go, Sophia.”

“Come on. Let’s get my basket ready for the journey.”

With a reluctant sigh, her brother helped her prepare a basket of things suitable for the journey. As they did so, Sophia began to think that this could mark the end of her normal life and the start of something that might change her forever.

As advised by Vanessa, she set out at sunrise to go to the Palace, brave, alone and determined to do whatever needed to be done. Her mother watched her leave while fighting back tears, as did her father. But it was too much for Sabrius. He stayed in his room and sulked until he could no longer shake off that inner voice that kept saying to him, ‘your sister isn’t old enough to go the Lower World. It is full of danger. You might never see her again.’ He then broke into a fit of anger and began throwing things around the room and kicking the bed, sobbing bitterly.

Sophia-Highborn sets out for Alpheabrook, knowing that she is likely to be sent from there to the Lower World.

He was about to run after her but it was only then that he saw a note on his pillow which read: ‘My dear little Sabrius, I do not intend to return until I go on that mission to the Lower World. So be good while awaiting my return. Help our good parents out in every way you can. Alpheabrook is confident that I can do this and bring stability once again to the United Provinces. Much love, your devoted sister.’

This cheered him up somewhat. He had to have more confidence in his older sister. After all, the Capital obviously saw something exceptional in her.

Sophia felt a sense of peace and hope as she continued on her solitary journey to the Palace. She enjoyed the long walk and felt good about herself. Too many nights she had been kept awake, wondering if anyone would ever be allowed to go and see the Queen’s daughter. Now at last, it seemed that she would be the one to do it.

After coming out of some more forest land, there it stood in the rays of the greater and smaller suns – the magnificent Palace of Alpheabrook. Her mouth dropped open once again. She had forgotten just how large and majestic it looked. Last time, she had travelled by carriage and didn’t have the chance to see it clearly. But now she could see it from a suitable distance, standing there in all its glory.

Alpheabrook’s Palace, H.Q. of the United Provinces

Vanessa had already alerted the guards that a young fairy dressed in white with long blonde curls would enter the Palace that day.

She walked through four towering archways leading to the main entrance, but stopped when she was outside the designated hall where she was due to meet with the Queen. She needed help to get inside the massive doors.

One of the guards said, “Highborn of Lavenders Dale? You have come to see Her Majesty, have you not?”

“Yes. Can you open the doors for me, please? Also, do I have to leave my basket outside?”

“Do what you will with the basket. I trust you are not carrying a weapon inside with which to dispatch Her Majesty?” He then smiled broadly at her and continued, “Lady Vanessa has informed us you were on your way. And if you ask my advice, then yes, it is good form to have your hands free while approaching the Queen. We can take care of your basket.”

With that, he and the other guard opened the doors that led into the great hall. The Queen could be seen at the other end of it. The great Monarch was already waiting for her! Vanessa could also be seen, and Veronica Garlandwood, both standing on either side of the Queen.

“Do come forward, Sophia-Highborn,” said the Queen in a loud but welcoming voice that echoed throughout the great room.

Sophia approached with silence and dignity. When she reached the Queen, Vanessa signalled for her to make an act of reverence. It was supposed to be a low bow.

But Sophia got confused and simply stared back at her.

Vanessa then whispered, “Give reverence to Her Majesty.”

The young fairy then walked right up to the Queen and took her hand in hers and kissed it.

After this, she said in a confident and cheerful tone, “Good day, Your Majesty. I love your dress. It is very beautiful, as is your jewellery. So, tell me, what is the situation with your daughter? Is it still the same? If she does not come back, our entire realm will fall into considerable danger, won’t it?”

Vanessa felt deeply embarrassed and shook her head, cringing to herself. She should have explained to Sophia beforehand how things should be done. But the Queen and Veronica couldn’t help smiling at the endearing gesture and unexpected forwardness of the young candidate.

The Queen then spoke in a rather serious tone to her, “Stand back, child. Now, listen. Do you understand that you are here because we are considering sending you to the Lower World, and that this does entail a very real risk on your part?”

Vanessa and Veronica began to feel very emotional as Sophia looked kindly and compassionately back at the Queen. Veronica was of a slightly softer heart and a tear crept into her eye. She then tried desperately not to burst into tears.

“Well Sophia-Highborn?” said the Queen.

At last Sophia smiled and said, “Of course. I understand. I would give my life if it meant bringing your daughter back home to rule here one day, my Lady… Oh, sorry, I mean, Your Majesty. Ooo! Wait! Is that a cat over there? I love cats!”

“Then you shall go, young one. Vanessa, see to it that she gets prepared. You have placed yourself on the line for the sake of the High Family and the realm you love and are prepared to serve. Sophia Rosemaracynthia Highborn, your heroic actions will not go unrewarded. Go now and prepare for your mission. Our decision is made. We are going to send you to the Lower World.”

12 thoughts on “Sophia-Highborn, Candidate Number Seven”

  1. I really liked this! The article about Sophia, Highborn Candidate Number Seven, is a really interesting deep dive into her character. It’s fascinating how the author explores Sophia’s background, her motivations, and what sets her apart as a candidate in this fantasy setting. Her strength and complexity make her a standout character in the series. I’m excited to see where her journey leads and how her choices will shape the story going forward. Definitely a must-read for fans of intricate character development! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. This is a first for me. I am a gamer and have played role-playing games, including those with mystical creatures such as orcs, elves, and, yes, even fairies. I must read the rest of the stories on your site and get caught up. Fairies, huh? The story line is delightful.

  3. Hi Dominic,

    This article presents an intriguing narrative set in a mystical world, where the Queen’s daughter, Princess Stephanie, has rejected her royal place and chosen a life of crime on Earth. The Queen, desperate to retrieve her daughter, faces opposition from her council on the decision to repeal an old law. 

    After much deliberation and a series of failed candidates, a young fairy named Sophia-Highborn is considered for the dangerous mission to Earth. Despite her youth, Sophia’s determination, resilience, and inner strength make her a potential candidate to bring Princess Stephanie back. 

    The article highlights the complex decisions, emotional tensions, and hope that surround this mission, blending fairy-tale elements with themes of sacrifice, duty, and courage.

  4. This story captures the tension and complexity of royal duty versus personal loyalty. The dynamic between Vanessa, who remains steadfast in her belief in Sophia, and the Queen’s deep emotional struggle over sending such a young candidate to the Lower World is beautifully portrayed. Despite the heavy risks, it highlights how far they will go to bring Princess Stephanie back. I’m curious—what qualities do you think Sophia possesses that make her the best hope for this mission, even at her young age?
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Thanks for sharing a great comment. About Sophia, Vanessa and others think she stands out by a great bravery and resilience to evil. She is 100% dedicated to the cause and a very loyal person. And surprisingly, she can be quite ruthless against those who offend the Higher World. She covers Stephanie in injuries from crows and pigeons whom she calls to her aid when Stephanie shows signs of resistance. 

  5. The way you delved into her character and the unique aspects of her journey really made me connect with her story. I appreciated how you highlighted her strengths and challenges as a candidate—it’s so relatable! It reminded me of when I was faced with tough choices in my own life, trying to find my path. Your insights made me even more curious about the other candidates. Thanks for sharing !

    • What an interesting comment. Thanks for sharing with us about how you recall making difficult decisions in your own life. It can be a difficult but very important process. 

  6. What an incredible chapter! The depth of the characters, especially Vanessa and the Queen, really stood out. The tension during the meeting, as the alternative proposal was presented, had me completely hooked. Sophia’s introduction as the seventh candidate was so refreshing—her blend of innocence and bravery really shines through, making her a compelling choice for such a dangerous mission. I’m curious to see how her journey to the Lower World will unfold and whether her youthful optimism will be enough to withstand the corruption.

    Also, I have to wonder—how will the Queen’s strained relationship with Princess Stephanie impact Sophia’s mission? Could that emotional distance make it harder for Sophia to succeed?

    • Yes, that is a fair question. Stephanie doesn’t exactly have a warm relationship with her true mother. But she knows that her mother greatly loves her and wants her to return. Yes, it will be challenging for the young Agent Highborn to succeed. Thanks for a great comment. 

  7. This was such an intriguing read! The concept of Sophia Highborn and the mystery surrounding Candidate Number Seven had me hooked from the start. I love stories that blend elements of suspense and intrigue, and this one seems to do that so well. The character development and the tension between the candidates add so many layers to the plot. I’m curious to see how Sophia’s journey unfolds and what twists lie ahead. Looking forward to seeing where this story goes next—thanks for sharing!

    Angela M.

  8. This post really draws you in with its intriguing storyline and complex characters! I love how it explores the challenges faced by the fairies and the weight of their decisions. Sophia-Highborn seems like a compelling character with a lot of potential, and I can’t wait to see how her journey unfolds. The tension between the Queen and Vanessa adds an interesting dynamic, making me curious about the future of their mission. I’m excited to read more and see what happens next!


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