The Gathering of the Royal Spokespersons Unit

Her Majesty, Aerilyn Emeralda Bell, Queen of the Higher World Provinces was due to meet with her most trusted Advisor, Vanessa of Alphiabrook after information had finally been received concerning the location of her daughter Stephanie Bell.

Vanessa would arrive with several other members who together comprised the Royal Spokespersons Unit. Lord Clarence, who was the Queen’s Consort would also be attending the meeting.

The Queen and Lord Clarence stood in their royal attire in a large Palace room which had a circle of ornate seats and a green rimed glass table in the centre.

A large door opened and Vanessa, with her head tilted upwards and bearing that familiar serious expression whist on duty, entered the room in a kind of fast paced march with a group of other fairies, trailing behind her, all in highly decorated clothes. They formed a straight line, then each made their gesture of reverence at the same time after a sharp clap signal from Vanessa. The reverence gesture to the Queen consisted in a low, ninety-degree angle bow. It was a fast bow, down and up again in a swift but well-timed motion.

The Queen then turned to a new maid who was still learning at the time to do things properly, and said “do you simply stand there, Veronica Garlandwood? Busy yourself with the drinking vessels and mineral water, offering also fruit to all who desire it.”

“At once your Majesty.” The maid then did as she was bidden. It was thanks to her friend Vanessa that she had got this highly esteemed and valuable position as a Maid of Honour in the Sovereign’s Palace. She used to live in Garlandwood but now she had moved to Alphiabrook after Vanessa had approached the Queen and acted as an intermediary for her. After a trial, she was successful but there was still a considerable amount of adjusting to her new role that she had to go through. She was a forest lover and frequently went to Glade Haven Forest that was just north of the Palace grounds in her evening free time. She preferred Garlandwood with its many rivers and elaborate tree house dwellings but that was too far to get to from Alphiabrook and she was never to wonder very far from the Palace grounds without special permission in case her services were required at short notice.

The room was quiet except for the nervous hustling about of Veronica Garlandwood and all eyes were modestly lowered, waiting for the Queen to give the go ahead for the meeting to commence.

Veronica Garlandwood, a fairy who became a Royal Maid

Then the Queen spoke. “Proceed.”

Vanessa immediately clapped again and they all took their seats, each keeping the same posture and sitting down slowly and gracefully in perfect unison as she had trained them to do.

In a tone that was both authoritative and maternal, the Queen began the meeting concerning her daughter by saying, “we will start with you Vanessa. You say it can be confirmed that the Princess is residing in Lower World, Central London, within about a dozen C.F.T. radius of the Parliament Building?”

Just before answering, Vanessa threw a concerned glance at Veronica Garlandwood to see if she was performing her duties with perfection and was annoyed to hear a little ‘clink’ as the maid accidently touched a drinking vessel of one of the other fairies with the jug.

She then gave the Queen her answer in her usual formal tone. “Yes your Majesty. Our communications with Lower World residing Wizard and Archivist, Alphamorinzo have borne fruit and we have located Lady Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell to within close to or a little over a dozen Combat Fairy Throws’ radius of Lower World, Central London, Parliament Building. It seems that her will is quite fixed on staying in her current location and that the use of human persuasion to have her seek to return to us is unlikely to have significant impact or effect. Hence, we have come to the conclusion that one of her own kind could be sent in the hope that her fairy nature will be revitalised and come to desire its true home world. I am however, in agreement with Elora-Brightgaze of Maracynthiavale that it would be wiser and hopefully still effective to send a young fairy; one who can be trained to withstand the voice of Earth.”

The Queen then turned to another fairy. “Elora-Brightgaze of Maracynthiavale, what are your thoughts on sending an Agent to the Lower World in an attempt to bring the Princess to her senses?”

Elora-Brightgaze was an exquisite looking fairy who especially stood out by having a brighter countenance than the others and her eyes were particularly bright.

“Your Majesty is well aware of the immense dangers and risks posed by sending Higher World entities to the dark realm called the Earth. This is especially the case with those who are older among us and who wield more of this world’s energy and power. Therefore, highly honoured Queen, I suggest we train a younger fairy to take on this task. We shall thereby diminish risk and I have reasonable confidence that a young fairy, if duly trained to resist evil and the pull of the Lower World, will achieve the outcome that your Majesty desires.”

The Queen looked around at the other fairies who all knew to look up and in turn express either approval, disapproval or simply give no expression either way if they were undecided. One by one, they all gave tacit approval of the proposed plan.

Lord Clarence, not addressing anyone in particular, and having a very intrigued and also puzzled expression on his face asked “And how precisely will a young fairy change the heart of our fallen Princess?”

Vanessa looked to one of the other fairies, encouraging her to practice speaking in a formal setting. She knew that this fairy had the answer. Her name was Sarah-Silverwater of Lavenders Dale. She lowered her head slightly and gave her answer. “Lord Clarence, there is much appeal in seeing a fairy. Princess Stephanie has become much like a human. But humans delight in seeing a fairy. In her case, the prospect of embracing her true nature again and entering Higher World Royal Province Alphiabrook should produce in her the vital spark of wishing to redeem herself.”

Vanessa was quite happy with this response. She had been observing Lord Clarence who seemed enlightened by it. But she decided to add to it for greater clarity by saying “Moreover, your Lordship’s daughter may feel less intimidated or challenged by a younger fairy.”

The Queen then spoke again. “Tell me Elora, do you have any particular fairy in mind for this errand? You are now seven hundred and twelve Luminarium years old. And no fairy in this room is one whom I would consider to be particularly young. Except perhaps for our new maid, Veronica Garlandwood.”

At these words, Veronica Garlandwood almost gasped with shock at the thought of being sent to the Lower World but repressed herself just in time and simply cast her eyes down to the white marble floor for a moment.

Elora then answered. “Yes your Majesty. I have a suggestion. I propose that we train Sophia Rosemaracynthia Highborn for this mission. If she does well in the training, then I am of the opinion that your Majesty can send her with confidence to the Lower World and entice your Majesty’s daughter to return hence. She is one of the youngest fairies showing promise in the Kingdom, being only thirteen years old.

After some deliberation, the Queen seemed to agree. She said to a guard, “send for Sophia-Highborn.”

“At once your Majesty.” The guard hit his chest as a sign that the command was received, accepted and commencing immediately.

The Queen then said “the meeting is now paused. Veronica Garlandwood, inform us and all members of the Royal Spokespersons Unit when Sophia-Highborn arrives so that we may resume.”

“I will your Majesty.” She felt relief at not being required to go to Earth. It would be interesting to see what Sophia-Highborn was like and whether she would willingly accept such an important and challenging mission.

As they left the room, Vanessa beckoned to her and together they went to a nearby balcony. “You’re doing quite well as a maid so far Veronica. I hope you find it okay. Just be fully attentive to details, small things. That’s what the perfection of a good maid consists in. That and visible dedication.

Vanessa of Alphiabrook, an upper class Fairy and friend of Veronica Garlandwood

Veronica looked at her and let out a heavy sigh. “I may not be able to stay here after all. I have met a wonderful saltor from this Province. It was in Glade Haven Forest that we met. He said if we ever decided to marry, he would like to move back to Garlandwood with me.

“Oh. Really?”

“Yes. His name is Ralf Hillsway.”

“Although you would be missed here at the Palace, you must follow your heart Veronica. I had hoped you would stay longer since you are still new here and are of course a close friend of mine.”

“Thank you Vanessa. It is still too early to tell if this saltor and I are indeed a suitable match for one another.”

They stayed talking for some time until Vanessa said, “Look. Here comes Sophia-Highborn. Alert the Queen!”

Veronica Garlandwood hustled off to do her duty after taking a quick look at the young fairy. She was indeed very young looking and noticeably shorter than the more mature aged fairies. She had long curly locks of hair and that slight shine on her face that was common to nearly all fairies.

When all were reassembled, Sophia-Highborn was asked to approach the Queen and Lord Clarence. The Queen then formally asked her if she was willing to accept the mission proposed for her and the training it would require. Sophia-Highborn appeared a little spellbound. All maintained a respectful yet tense silence as they awaited to hear what the young fairy would say.

9 thoughts on “The Gathering of the Royal Spokespersons Unit”

  1. This is certainly a very unique Niche!  I really like the way your website is set up – it’s easy to navigate and the layout looks really clean to me.  How did you get involved this world?  I remember as a child my grandma would always hide lollies and other surprises for us down at a special rock in her backyard.  We would be so excited to visit to see what the Fairies had left for us.  It was just so magical.

    • Thank you! Great that you like the site. I find it a great niche because of the positive escapism it brings! I only recently got into this world after writing fantasy for my niece. That’s great fun about your grandma!

  2. The post provides a fascinating glimpse into the realm of fairies. The meeting with the Royal Spokespersons Unit, particularly Vanessa’s efficient leadership, is captivating. I couldn’t help but wonder about the world-building in this story. Are there other magical creatures or entities involved in the operation, or is it primarily the responsibility of the fairies to rescue the princess?

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the Royal Spokespersons Unit and the magical world you’ve described. The concept of spokespersons representing different realms is intriguing. How do these individuals get chosen for their roles, and what kind of training do they undergo? Additionally, the idea of fostering unity among diverse magical communities is truly enchanting. Have there been any memorable instances where the unit’s efforts made a significant impact?

    Your vivid descriptions brought this fantastical gathering to life. It’s clear that a lot of thought and creativity went into crafting this world. I particularly loved the imagery of the ethereal lights intertwining above the assembly. As a fellow fantasy enthusiast, I appreciate the depth you’ve added to this magical realm. Do you plan on expanding this universe in future writings? It would be delightful to delve even further into this enchanting world you’ve created.

  4. Hi, this is great to hear! Thanks for the comment! Yes, this fantasy world is still in the making and will be expanded. I also hope to have a map produced. Those who work within the royal spokespersons Union are selected from upper class fairies and especially those who work more directly with the monarchy or within the royal provence. There is a big emphasis on maintaining correct form – speaking and acting in ways that befit the Representatives of the monarch and they are trained accordingly to meet this standard as well as the ins and outs of politics and how to be the voice and arm of the Monarch.

    In the past, the royal spokesperson’s unit was used successfully to establish a trade network with south africa. But later it Fizzled out.

  5. I love stories about fairies. I enjoyed the beautiful world description. Your descriptions brought this magical meeting to life. The ethereal lights interweaving over the assembly are lovely.

    Your magical universe has depth, which I like as a fantasy lover. Will you expand this universe? Exploring your magical world would be fun.


  6. An assembly of the royal spokespersons unit is a promising initiative, reflecting a commitment to transparent communication and a strong sense of collective responsibility. The significance of their role in relaying accurate and timely information to the public cannot be overstated. This gathering embodies the dedication to streamline communication channels, fostering trust and understanding between the monarchy and the community. Here’s to the success of this meeting and the positive impact it will undoubtedly have on effective public engagement and informed decision-making.


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