As Raymond Ashford, the Wizard of England, had finally located the firstborn of the Queen, Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell, but had not yet managed to persuade her to return to the higher world, the Royal Spokespersons Unit were scheduled to meet in order to discuss options, including whether a fairy should be trained to resist the corrupting influence of the lower world and sent down to the wayward princess.
But even if trained, this was still a dangerous thing to do. They already had one corrupt fairy on their hands, and she was growing up in the way of sophisticated crime at only ten earth-years of age.
The fear was that she would become a great menace to Earth if she could not be brought back to her home world.
But also, the line of Fairy Monarchs might end if the firstborn could not be returned to rule when her time came. There was a special power to govern that was invested in the rightful heir.
There was a fallen princess over two centuries ago who also descended to Earth, more out of idle curiosity than from the usual benevolent motives, and becoming corrupt, she never returned. She was known as Olivia Blackstone, the Fallen. The substitute who stood in to rule in her place did not rule very efficiently.

The members of the Royal Spokespersons Unit were waiting for the arrival of the Queen and Lord Clarence. When the bell rang it would mean that they were approaching but in the meantime, they were allowed to talk freely among themselves.
Their leader, Vanessa of Alphiabrook had a pleasant side to her but she was also known to be downright strict with the other fairies. Everything had to be done correctly. She also had a rather upper-class manner about her.
One of them named Savannah Silverstone was sharing some gossip about two lovers and was heard to say, “the fair saltor, Jaden, from my province of Lavenders Dale, was truly smitten when he found beautiful Abigale Greenleaf of Alphiabrook…”
“Oh, said another fairy, listening keenly with several others, “and did they get together?”
“Well he got a strange idea into his head you see. Because Abigale was from the Royal Province of Alphiabrook, he had this conviction for some reason that in order to kiss her, he would need the written permission of the Queen!”
They all started laughing. But Vanessa looked a little annoyed. Savannah Silverstone was always making the others laugh just before important occasions that required a serious and grave attitude. “Oh, do cut the gossip Savannah.” But this was not said in a commanding tone.
“Oh my! No, wait. What happened next?! Do tell us Savannah!” said her favourite friend, Sarah Silverwater who was also from Lavenders Dale.
“Well, he… he, er… then kissed her anyway while on vacation in the south and began to panic, worried that he had done something illegal and decided he should confess his mistake, made in a moment of passion, to Her Majesty!”
Again, they all laughed heartily. Vanessa shook her head.
“What a story!” said Elora-Brightgaze of Maracynthiavale, “that’s a good one Savannah! And did he approach the Queen to confess his supposed mistake?”
“Well no! And so he was dumped by Abigale because her family told her that he obviously had a tendency to disobey the laws of the land. But the poor thing still writes letters to her.”
“Oh, how tragic! I do hope he understands he did nothing wrong and can win back his sweetheart one day.”
“Yes, I think Abigale should start chasing him even though that really is quite unconventional.”
They continued talking among themselves until the bell rang.
Vanessa immediately clapped her hands together and all the fairies stood to attention, one still trying not to giggle after hearing about the poor, foolish Jaden whom Savannah Silverstone had been rather sarcastically telling them about. But she soon pulled herself together after meeting the stern look of Vanessa.
As a member of the Royal Spokespersons Unit, the likable but slightly less upper-class Savannah Silverstone was in the process of learning, under the tutorage of the highly trained Vanessa, about how to communicate with human beings without having to enter the lower world itself.
Savannah didn’t always have the most complimentary remarks about humans whilst she practiced trying to speak to them. She once said in a fit of exasperation to Sarah Silverwater, “most humans in my experience are just so closed off, materialistic and dumb.” Sarah had told her she should be kinder and more patient with them.
Savannah was a lover of rich flowers and finely scented things. She liked wearing green and blending in with the lush and attractive forests of Lavenders Dale.

The Queen and Lord Clarence arrived and Vanessa clapped again. All the fairies immediately made their act of respect after Vanessa’s signal, a ninety degree bow which was fast and swift, down and up again. They did it in perfect unison as she had trained them to do.
The Queen then spoke. “Sit and let the meeting commence.”
Vanessa clapped and they all sat down, but again it was in perfect unison with straight backs and a graceful and rather slow decent into their fine, ornate chairs.
The Queen spoke again. “Vanessa? An update on my daughter please.”
Vanessa stood up and gave her report in that usual professional tone that she always used whilst on duty. “Through our communication with lower world residing agent, Raymond Ashford, we have come to the knowledge that Your Majesty’s daughter, Princess Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell is located in the south of England’s capital, not far from the City Centre. She goes by the name Carletta Sayer and due to the corrupting influence of Earth, we understand that, not only is her heart closed to the higher world, but she is using her innate fairy abilities to pursue a hidden life of crime, but mostly only stealing at this stage. Outwardly however, she shows much charm and generosity to others which mystifies us. She sends us a message through Raymond saying that she is not yet ready to return home but she gave no indication of when she would be ready.”
The Queen closed her eyes and shook her head, then asked, “has any fairy managed to speak to her directly yet?”
“I’m afraid not Your Majesty.”
“Are you all trying hard enough to speak to her?”
“We try every day Your Majesty, but she does not listen. The princess is closed off and maintains an inner aloofness from every fairy. However, she does seem to be willing to speak to Raymond Ashford through written correspondence. I for one think that this is still the best form of leverage we have over the princess. If we instruct Raymond on how best to communicate with her, we may yet change her heart through his efforts.”
The Queen looked a little more hopeful. “Thank you Vanessa. You may be seated.”
Vanessa sat down gracefully.
The Queen then addressed all of them. “Tell me your thoughts and opinions on the strategy of sending a fairy, one trained to resist the destructive influence of the lower world, down to Princess Stephanie?”
Vanessa looked at the other fairies, encouraging any who felt confident enough, to stand and give the Queen her opinion.
There was silence for a moment. Then Vanessa looked at Savannah Silverstone, indicating that she should stand and speak. So the fairy from Lavenders Dale in costly green that glinted when light reflected off it due to the silver studs on the dress, stood up, rather shy and after a little cough, formally addressed the Queen while all the others listened and stared gravely and curiously at her.
“Um, well… you see, the issue is…”
But Vanessa who was known to correct the other fairies in public, interrupted and said loudly to her, “open more formally!”
She jumped in fright.
“Come now,” said the Queen, “let she who is of Lavenders Dale speak freely.”
Savannah Silverstone, swallowed hard, still nervous, and started again, this time in a slightly shaky voice. “Your Majesty, having diligently considered this question, I for one, feel I cannot condone such an action at this point in time. To train a fairy efficiently for such a mission would require that we take a very young fairy away from her family and get her to willingly embrace the rough, austere and solitary life of a hermit fairy, on the cold, inclement heights of Hermit Mountain. If she fails, she may never return. Yet, if Raymond still cannot save Your Majesty’s daughter after many further attempts and hope begins to become truly desperate, then, and only then do I think it would be the right thing to have a fairy rigorously trained to descend to Earth in the hopes that she may have grater sway, being well instructed, well prepared and having that visual and emotional appeal that is especially proper to all female members of the higher world species.”
There was silence. Savannah Silverstone nervously glanced back at Vanessa who nodded approvingly. This was tacit praise from the leader of the Royal Spokespersons Unit and felt good.
“Thank you Savannah Silverstone. You may be seated.” said the Queen. The others also gave tacit approval, showing that they all agreed with what the fairy from Lavenders Dale had said.
But the Queen was still feeling upset and a little cranky. There was a air of hopelessness in the room. It was as if everyone knew that the princess would probably neither listen to Raymond, nor a fairy from the higher world. She was corrupt. That brutal fact was staring them all in the face. No one wanted to sacrifice a fairy agent in vein. And they also didn’t strongly believe that Raymond could prevail in such a difficult mission. Stephanie was using a delaying tactic and as time went on, she was sure to just go from bad to worse.
Without warning, the Queen’s mood took a sudden dive as a tear of despair entered her eye and she banged her water vassal down on the table and started shouting at them all as she stood up to leave. “Then work harder! All of you! Over seven Luminarian years and nine earth years you’ve been on this case! Still no results except that the princess says she ‘isn’t ready to return!’ What insolence! Get Raymond to work harder and bring my daughter home! I will not have her ending up like that disgraceful Olivia Blackstone the Fallen! If our next meeting does not come with good news, I will have a fairy trained to go to Earth. Come up with a strategy this instant and have it handed to me on paper by the end of the day. Bring the Princess home! Go on now! You’re all dismissed.”
Vanessa clapped loudly and they all snapped to attention and reverenced the Queen as she walked briskly out of the meeting room in an angry, emotional mess, her quiet and forlorn husband at her side.
“Well don’t just stand there!” shouted Vanessa, “you all heard Her Majesty. Come on!” She clapped her hands again, loudly. “I want Ideas! All of you! We need a watertight, convincing strategy to deliver to the Queen by nightfall! She’s not impressed!”
The other fairies all bustled about, preparing ink and paper, and each doing their very best to follow the serious demands and directives of their strict leader.
I really enjoyed reading this post. I was intrigued to know more about the individual characters and to delve deeper into this whole fairy world. I enjoyed the tension created as the Queen considered her next move to retrieve her daughter and I’d love to learn what is keeping princess Stephanie from returning home. Thank you for sharing this story and I look forward to reading more.
Thanks Elaine, that’s great you liked this part of the story and the fairy world that it gives a glimpse of. Yes, Princess Stephanie isn’t keen on returning because she has become corrupt and that separates her from embracing her true path in the higher world. You can always return for updates and you can also see the previous chapters of this story. Thanks again!
The article is a whimsical exploration into the fantasy realm of fairies and their connection to the Higher World Capital. The narrative sparks curiosity about the decision-making process and criteria involved in sending a fairy to Earth. The imaginative concept adds a delightful touch to the piece, making it an enjoyable read for fairy enthusiasts. If you had the opportunity to decide the criteria for sending a fairy to Earth from the Higher World Capital, what qualities or traits would you prioritize, and why? Thanks for sharing.
I found your discussion about the higher world’s decision to send a fairy to Earth fascinating! The ethical considerations about interfering with human lives and the impact of fairy intervention are intriguing topics. Have you encountered similar debates or discussions about the interaction between different realms in folklore or mythology? I’ve always been intrigued by these cross-world connections in stories from various cultures.
Additionally, your exploration of the potential positive and negative consequences of sending a fairy to Earth raises thought-provoking points. It made me reflect on the balance between assistance and unintended consequences in any act of intervention. Have you personally experienced moments in life where a seemingly small intervention or assistance had unexpected results, either positive or negative? Your insights on this topic add depth to the considerations surrounding the fairy’s potential impact on Earth. Thank you for sparking such an intriguing conversation!
Hey an interesting read this was!
Thankyou for putting your time and effort into writing this creative piece. Fairies are portrayed as these mystical creatures which have a kind and caring nature with shyness to them too. It gives them a timid personality but a gentle one too.
This is an awesome piece of work, keep up the good creativity.
Thanks again and have a great day!