Two Fairies Learn About Condensed Form & Other Astounding Powers

Within the vastly extensive grounds of the Palace located in the Royal Province of Alphiabrook, two fairies had just arrived for their scheduled session of training. Their names were Saltina Nightingale of Maracynthiavale and Hyacinth-Estella Starlingtongale of Lavenders Dale.

It would be a very exciting session this time since, among other things, they were due to learn about Condensed Form and how their non-dominant hand would be the one used to channel the various powers that could be learned and wielded by the art of Energy Harnessing. They would then each be assigned their first Errand of Benevolence which consisted in a mission to perform an act of kindness or similar service on Earth, before returning once again to the higher world.

Sir Amos the Diligent, as he was known, was their tutor, the one assigned by the Queen to train the two fairies. Fairies were often trained in pairs, just two at a time because concentration was vital and in the past, they tended to get a little too distracted by the other students when trained in groups.

By those whom Amos trained, he was addressed as ‘Lord Amos,’ or simply as ‘my Lord.’

Lord Amos, Commissioned by the Queen to Train Two Fairies

He saw the two fairies coming to the designated area which was an open field just by the mouth of Glade Haven Forest. They were chatting away to each other and giggling from time to time. Neither of them had their wings ignited and Saltina Nightingale had a pair of slip on shoes with floral designs while Hyacinth-Estella Starlingtongale was barefoot which was the more common custom for the female members of the higher world species.

The two fairies looked like a pair of beautiful young women in fine dresses. They resembled humans except for some subtle differences such as a kind of brightness and an extremely pleasant but natural smell which was slightly different for each fairy. They were both slightly flushed on the cheeks and were as innocent and playful as young girls but also very mature and intelligent in their minds. While their beauty would make a human drop their mouth open in admiration and delight, it was a dignified beauty, full of modesty and integrity. And there was not a single trace of vanity about them or any inordinate desire for attention. They seemed both very human and relatable but also lofty, spirit-like and angelic.

If your heart told you that you were not a good person, you might experience a surge of shame, mingled with fear if one of these fairies set her gaze on you and looked searchingly into your eyes. But they are usually trained to have compassion with humans, not strictness.

The Training Session Begins

As the two fairies took their time heading towards their trainer, he cleared his throat and spoke to them, “okay, lend me your attention please.”

They kept whispering a little.

“Attention!” he said, this time quite loudly.

“Sorry my Lord!” said Hyacinth-Estella.

Amos continued, “thank you. Now, you have your wing channels but I haven’t taught you to use them yet. Here in the higher world, they are no longer widely used. But you will be using them for when you each qualify for an assignment to visit Earth. But to go to Earth, you must first learn about Condensed Form whereby you will become smaller. A smaller form is more appealing and less intimidating to humans.”

“Wow! I’m excited!” said Saltina Nightingale, “but I hope I can go back to full size without too much complication.”

“You will. Now, first, I want you to use your wing channels to lift yourselves off the ground. One at a time. We’ll start with you Saltina.”

A wing channel was a device that was strapped to a fairy’s back. Experienced fairies could transfer energy from themselves into the device. Once this energy was in the device, they could operate the device by causing it to channel this energy through the openings that it had on it. It was shaped like a small vase. The device was designed in such a way that it could convert this energy into luminous, slightly transparent wings. These wings did not flutter, but gently rippled when ignited and in use. They could lift a fairy off the ground and carry her through the air. But these devices also came with drawbacks. They were not so easy to use and required a significant amount of energy and experience. Higher ranking fairies could use them efficiently but this was generally not the case with less experienced and lower ranking fairies.

Saltina stepped forward, ready to ignite her wings.

“Now, close your eyes,” said Amos, “and do your best to summon and release energy from inside you into the device.”

She seemed a little embarrassed after trying in vain for a while to do as he had said.

“Come on Saltina,” said her trainer, “I don’t want self-doubt. I need you to be confident.”

Saltina opened her eyes and glanced at Hyacinth-Estella who shrugged her shoulders but also showed some pity.

“Don’t look at her,” said Amos, “close your eyes again for me please. Concentrate.”

Agter another while of nothing happening, there was a sudden flash and a strange sound as Saltina’s wing channel vibrated and her wings burst gloriously into full form.

“Well done!” Said Hyacinth-Estella.

“Good,” said Amos, “now slowly go on tiptoe and push gently, allowing your wings to take your weight.”

She tried but failed and nearly fell over. Her friend gasped.

“Okay, remove your shoes Saltina,” said Amos, “it tends to be easier without them, especially for beginners. And once you’re airborne, be careful not to rise too high in case you fall.”

She did as instructed and then jumped a little. But that didn’t work and once again, she nearly lost her balance but managed to keep her wings open.

Hyacinth-Estella giggled and said, “no Saltina! He said slowly raise your heels and press with your toes on the ground… lifting yourself…”

“Shhh! Silence please, Hyacinth-Estella! Let her concentrate.”

“Yes my Lord.”

By the time they both looked at her again, she was off the ground,

“Wow!! This feels amazing!” She opened her eyes and rose a little higher before remaining in a hover position about four foot above the ground.

Her friend felt very excited. “Oh! How wonderful!”

Amos looked slightly worried and spoke calmly but firmly to his hovering student. “Okay, come down now Saltina. Don’t go any higher.”

She did as she was told, landing gracefully and then closed her wings. The energy zapped back into the wing channel, causing the wings to disappear.”

Hyacinth-Estella was next. She did well and better than Saltina Nightingale.

“You’ve both succeeded in your first challenge,” their trainer told them, “now on to Condensed Form.”

He spent some time explaining the process and how they needed to concentrate very hard so as to call their physical form into a more tight and restricted area so that they became temporarlly smaller.

It took Saltina over half an hour to finally succeed. With her wings open she managed to go into Condensed Form which made her appear about as small as a pint glass.

Her friend looked on in awe and amazement and cheered again.

“Well done Saltina,” said Amos, “now rise into the air and navigate your way towards me and land on my hand.”

Again, Saltina succeeded, gracefully moving through the air and lightly descending onto the outstretched hand of her master.

He then very carefully lowered his hand and let her step off and onto the ground again where she allowed her body to expand back into its natural form.

Her friend cheered and ran over to hug her. “Oh, Saltina! That was absolutely amazing!”

Amos caught their attention again. “Okay Hyacinth-Estella, you are next.”

Hyacinth-Estella took a deep breath and did her very best to do as instructed. She was very much encouraged by Saltina’s success but that was also a distraction for her.

Hyacinth-Estella Starlingtongale Concentrates Hard While Attempting to Assume Condensed Form

At last, she too became small but not small enough and she began to ascend into the air before the signal was given.

“No! Come down!” her trainer said in a loud voice.

She then lost concentration and her body went back to full size and her wings shut off. She plummeted six feet to the ground.

Amos sighed. “Saltina, you are ready for the next step and will prepare for a visit to Earth next while continuing to master what you have learned today. But you will require more training Hyacinth-Estella Starlingtongale.”

Saltina went to comfort her fallen friend who thankfully, wasn’t badly hurt.

She then thanked her master for being so patient with them that day.

Saltina Nightingale is Successful in Her Training and Stands Ready for Her Next Assignment

“One last thing,” said Amos, “your nondominant hand is the one that will be used to channel the powers wielded through Energy Harnessing. You are both lefthanded. Therefore, your left hand is your power hand while your right hand is your natural hand. It is safer if your dominant hand isn’t your power hand. Only very few fairies use both hands to wield their power. So be very careful with your left hand at all times.”

They both nodded with grave expressions.

Saltina Nightingale was apprehensive but also somewhat looking forward to her very first trip to the mysterious lower world, called Earth. But she would prefer it if she could go with her friend, Hyacinth-Estella Starlingtongale, who had not yet succeeded in the next step of the training.

Map of the Higher World Provinces (Credit: Eoin O’Sullivan)

5 thoughts on “Two Fairies Learn About Condensed Form & Other Astounding Powers”

  1. An interesting read, that stands alone well.  I do not know much about fairies except for Tinker Bell and her fairy friends who most everyone knows about.  How did you find out about the fairy world and the products available to those who are interested in it?  Even though I had not read any ot the previous posts I was able to follow along on the information provided here in this post.  Will Hyacinth-Estella get a new partner to continue her training as it appears Saltina Nightingale will be headed out to her first assignment soon?  I was wondering about how many fairies populate the higher world and how much time do they spend on earth and to what purpose?  I apologize for asking so many questions it is because I know so little about the subject of fairies.  It was a  fun read and the items availble were interesting to see.  Thank you for this trip into fantasyland and what it has to offer.


    • Hi Gene, thanks for a great comment. I suppose I got into the fairy world because I decided to try my hand at a story for my niece who loves fairies. So I wrote book 1 of a series but now that book is being re-written. Hopefully one day I can sell novels here and possibly a fantasy game that I have in the works. It is likely that Hyacinth-Estella will have to finish her training without an associate. The higher world is large and well populated. There would be many thousands of fairies and saltors in each province. Plus there are also the outer lands. This story takes place at an earlier time in the history of the higher world when Errands of Benevolence were more common. But later, the fairies noticed that Earth had a corrupting influence that could ruin fairies. And so it became far more rare for them to come here. They would need special permission and rigorous training, like when they sent Sophia-Highborn in pursuit of the fallen Princess. Most of the time, the fairies just stay in their own world and look after it.

  2. I found your exploration of condensed forms and the additional powers fairies possess quite intriguing! The way you delved into the concept of condensed forms and the possibilities they unlock was fascinating. Have you encountered any stories or myths that particularly inspired your understanding of these powers? I’ve always been captivated by folklore myself and love discovering how different cultures interpret supernatural abilities.

    The notion of fairies having multiple powers tied to their condensed forms is a unique take. I’m curious, how do these condensed forms relate to a fairy’s personality or characteristics in your interpretation? Exploring this aspect could add another layer of depth to understanding fairy lore. Overall, your post expanded my perspective on fairy abilities, and I’m eager to learn more about the intricacies of these mystical creatures!

  3. really liked your post about fairies and their special powers. The idea of condensed forms and the extra abilities they get is so interesting. Have you read any cool stories or myths that inspired your thoughts on these powers? I enjoy learning about different cultures and how they see magical things.

    The part about fairies having many powers with their condensed forms is a cool idea. How do you think these forms relate to a fairy’s personality or characteristics? Exploring this could make fairy stories even more interesting. Your post made me think more about what fairies can do, and I’m excited to find out more about these magical creatures!

  4. Hmm, I took a look at this info about fairies and their condensed form and other powers. Gotta say, it’s quite fascinating! I never knew fairies had the ability to condense themselves into smaller forms. It’s like they have their own little magic trick up their sleeves. And the other powers they possess, like healing and telepathy, just adds to their mystical charm. I do have a question though, do all fairies have these powers or is it just a select few? 


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