The Double Life of Carletta Sayer

(Background info: The Fairy Queen of the Higher World and the Royal Spokespersons Unit are trying to find a suitable candidate to send to the Earth, the Lower World, where the firstborn Princess, Stephanie Goldmaracynthia Bell, lives. She has been there since her infant years after being summoned by a practitioner of witchcraft. Earth has a corrupting influence on fairies, especially in its Modern Age, which is why it is very difficult to send fairies down there. Stephanie goes by the name of Carletta Sayer in the Lower World, where she has been adopted by a couple named Julian and Teresa. Carletta has long been attracted by a hidden life of crime. She also has a beloved young stepsister named Jane who has no idea that she is a secret fairy princess).

Life for Carletta gradually became darker and more isolating as she grew up. By the time she was fourteen, she stopped writing to Raymond and no longer believed in her nature and identity as a fairy of royal bloodline. She even stopped believing in fairies altogether. But as Raymond’s letters began to pile up, she went back to exchanging the occasional letter with him, mostly to update him on her life. But she made it clear that she would stop writing to him altogether if he kept insisting that she was a fairy.

“Childhood is over for me, Raymond,” she once told him. “My real parents must have abandoned me. Fairy-tales are for children. I’m too old for that now.”

Raymond decided to keep things casual for the time being.

Raymond Ashford, known as the Wizard of England, knows that Carletta Sayer is Princess Stephanie, the missing Fairy. He has long been trying to convince her to return to the Higher World.

Teresa and Julian had a son and daughter of their own whom they named David and Jane. David was four years younger than Carletta but did not get on especially well with her. But their second child, Jane, gradually became very close to her. She was ten years younger than Carletta. Already, at five years of age, Jane knew about the story of Raymond Ashford and his search for a missing fairy, and she loved it. Carletta enjoyed telling her about it and said that somewhere out there to that very day, the fairy and the wizard were still exchanging letters with each other.

Jane, being as playful and imaginative as any young child, had a way of persuading Carletta to do things for her. They had a game where Carletta, who was fifteen at the time, was told she had to dress up as ‘Princess Stephanie,’ the missing fairy, while five-year-old Jane dressed up as the Wizard of England. They would then play hide and seek, where Carletta had to hide somewhere downstairs or in the garden, while Jane, who was dressed in a blue dressing gown and hat, went about looking for her and asking if anyone had seen her. If Jane ever did manage to find her, then Carletta would have to go upstairs to ‘rejoin the fairies.’

Later, the game was extended to include a second option whereby, if Carletta didn’t want to go upstairs, then Jane had to write to her.

Jane’s letters to Carletta in this game would often be very short, since she had not yet fully developed her writings skills. They would say things like ‘Dear fairy. Go back. Quick. From the wizard.’

Carletta would reply, saying, ‘But, dear wizard, they don’t have ice-cream up there.’

Jane’s most memorable reply to this was, ‘You can take some ice-cream with you. P.S. Can I have some too?’

‘Only if I don’t have to go up to the fairies.’

‘Ok. Let’s have ice-cream together instead.’

Carletta then treated Jane and herself to an ice-cream. But as soon as they had finished the ice-creams, Jane told her once again that she had to go upstairs, and Carletta relented. That was one of the most entertaining times they had had while playing that game.

Carletta would then change out of her fairy costume and get back into her everyday clothes. She often smiled at the thought of how naive she used to be in believing that she really was a fairy princess from another world.

Carletta dresses up as Princess Stephanie & plays hide and seek with Jane.

When her school years were finished, she considered attending college but never ended up going. Shortly after turning eighteen, she went for a relatively well-paid waitress job at a large, busy and prestigious restaurant, many stories high, called The Duck & Waffle. It was there that she finally made some new friends.

But after some time, she found that her friend’s conversations always seemed shallow, repetitive and boring, and everything in her life, including the job, began to feel terribly empty. Added to this, she was also receiving endless unsolicited compliments and advances from young men. It was clear to everyone, including her thirty-eight-year-old boss, that this was largely due to her looks. While this was going on, her friends and other people began telling her that the beauty and fashion industry might be a better fit for her. And more than one person, aside from Jane, remarked that she would fit perfectly into some kind of fairy movie.

Carletta had no mind to be an actress but thought long and hard about using her beauty to make money in the fashion industry, and in the end applied to several places that were looking for deluxe female models.

Sure enough, she quickly attracted the eye of the fashion industry and began receiving several invites for interview. Realising that it would be relatively easy to find employment, she decided to aim for the most prestigious company in the industry which was known to turn down thousands of potential candidates. They took longer to reply due to all the other applicants on their list.

But eventually, she received a very professional and attractive looking letter. Yes, it was them – Holborn Studios in Central London.

She felt a very slight tinge of guilt. Was she really going to follow this kind of career? She was formally asking a company to pay her for displaying her beauty for commercial purposes. But would the letter carry positive news or a polite rejection? It might end up being a relief if it was a rejection.

She sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and opened the letter.

‘Dear Miss Carletta Sayer,

After carefully reviewing your C.V. and photos, I am delighted to say that our team here at Holborn Studios is interested in pursuing your application to the next step.

You are invited to attend an interview on Wednesday the 25th of March at 11:45am.

The Location is:

49-50 Eagle Wharf Road,

London N1 7ED.

Tel: +44 20 7490 4099

Please confirm your availability to attend no later than Tuesday the 10th of March.

If attending, please be prepared for a Photo Shoot that may take up to an hour to complete, following the initial interview which will last for a maximum of 30 minutes. Clothes, footwear, makeup, hairstyling and posing instructions will all be provided by the Studio staff.

As explained in the job description, if we hire you, our company will advertise you as a professional model to other agencies and clients. This is because we generally offer Studio rental services rather than hire models directly. But we also promote our own models. Our models are exceptional. They are known to stand out from the crowd and attract high-end clients. This is why our standard for hiring models who are directly affiliated with us is known to be high.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in person,

Nina Sanders,

A.D.H.S. (Applications Department Head Secretary).’

Without breaking the news to anyone, Carletta decided it wouldn’t hurt to show up for the interview. But Jane soon found out and encouraged her to the hilt.

“Carletta! I saw that letter from Holborn Studios in your file! You are going for it, aren’t you?!”

“Hey! How dare you go through my personal files, Jane!”

“But are you going to that interview and photo shoot? I want to come with you!”

“Okay, yes! I’m going. But you can’t come with me. I’ll tell you about it after, okay?”

“Okay… Great!”

As the date of the interview drew near, the tall, spirited and noisy Nigerian with the British accent, Musa, stopped by his boss’s office at Holborn Studios.

“Got two absolute stunners stopping off at Studio Five tomorrow, boss boy.”

“Ah. Never a bad day for a stunner. Who are they again?”

“Well, first we’ve got a bloke called William Evins – he’s good but I wouldn’t say top-notch. Then you’ve got these two girls, Stephney Stangard and Carletta Sayer. Now they are something else. Honest to God, bro.”

“Good, good. And if we were only to hire one of the two girls, who are you thinking?”

“Hard to know. I’d almost be up for flipping a coin on that one.”

“Well, I suppose meeting those two showcase chicks will be worth getting up in the morning for. Um… What else? See you at eight thirty?”

“Yeah, when have I ever been late?”

“Oh, come on, Musa. It’s happened alright.”

“Naa bro! Never! Never.”

Musa looks forward to seeing candidates Stephney Stangard & Carletta Sayer.

At last, the day scheduled for the interview arrived. Jane was over the moon with excitement for her beloved sister and had breakfast made for her when she came downstairs that morning.

“Carletta! Look! I made Eggs Benedict!”

“That’s nice. Looks good, Jane.”

“No, it’s for you!”

Their mum remarked, “Aww, doesn’t she just adore you, Carletta?”

“That’s sweet of you, darling,” said Carletta. “But for goodness’ sake, make sure you supply me with a napkin. I’m supposed to be going for a supermodel job today.”

“Oh, yes! I almost forgot! Are you sure I can’t come with you? I did make you a nice breakfast.”

“Well, you could wait in the park, maybe.”

“No, she has school,” said Teresa. “Come on now, Jane. We need to brush your hair.”

After breakfast and a last bit of preparation, Carletta set out for Holborn Studios. She entered the building and was told to sit in the waiting area until Musa and Alice called for her. She looked over and saw the other girl looking at her phone. Wow! She looked good. Smooth, tan, flawless skin, heavenly hazel eyes, perfect light brown hair with bright goldish-yellow ribbons, and all complimented with a glossy green dress with white frills and a pair of silver coated slip-on shoes, studded with crystals. She also wore various items of costly, high-end jewellery.  

But she sensed that Carletta was looking at her for a bit too long and looked up at her.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Sorry.”

The other girl then eyed Carletta up and down and said, “Seriously? A black as sin dress? Haha. They’ll never accept you, sweetie. It’s not a funeral.”

Carletta was silent.

After some time, Musa and his assistant entered the waiting room.

He clapped his hands and said loudly, “Greetings beautiful ladies! Okay, which one of you is the wizard’s missing fairy?”

“Well, I suppose my name’s close enough,” said Stephney sarcastically.

“Okay. You’re with me. And Carletta, you go with Allice.”                                

“It’s actually meant to be me, by the way,” said Carletta.

“What’s that?” said Musa.

“You know, that missing fairy. That’s supposed to be me. Just saying.”

“What? Are you saying you’re better than Miss Stangard here?”

“No, as in I know that wizard. His name is Raymond and he’s from an old Order or whatever. Anyway, it was me whom he finally decided was that fairy. Honestly, I have piles of letters from him and can speak some weird language. Not fluently though. And the letters all have his distinct signature.”

“Are you kidding, girl?!”

“Nope. And he still thinks it’s me.”

Musa burst out laughing and shouted, “Hey! Alice! Hear that?! Brainwave coming through. We’ve hit the jackpot!! We can use this!! We’ll advertise this chick as the Fairy of England!”

“Pfff… It’s an idea I suppose,” remarked Alice. “Verify the claim first though.”

“Yes! We’ll dress her as, y’know… an exquisite fairy and charge a fortune to anyone who wants to use her as a model! Fairy fans will be all over her!”

“That’s definitely worth talking to the boss about,” said Alice. “But come on, Musa. We haven’t even interviewed her yet.”

“Right! Come on! Come with me, Tinker Bell! Let’s go and get this interview over with and your story verified!”

But Carletta zoned out and began looking out the window. Stephney shook her head and remarked, “She’s lost it. What’s with the daydreaming?”

“I’m not sure about all this,” Carletta mumbled, half to herself.

“I said come on!” Musa burst out excitedly. “Focus, you lost little fairy!”

He then took her by the arm and led her towards the interview room, grinning happily and slightly mischievously. Carletta reluctantly sighed as she awkwardly followed along in her slightly uncomfortable but pricy new pair of customised heels that featured small dark wing designs on the sides.

Facing The Cameras

The interview felt like a bit of a façade. Carletta could tell that Musa simply wanted to get it over with so that he could take his new and wild idea to Graham Whitlaw, his boss.

“Well then Miss Carletta, keep your phone on you twenty-four seven, yes?”

“Uh, okay.”

“Come on. Shake my hand. This could be the beginning of something pocket-burstingly wonderful!” He then clapped his hands again.

“Oh! Stop doing that!”

He laughed and shook her hand vigorously. “Wait for a call, my flutter friend! We’ll become the best business partners in London. Just get me those letters from Mr. Ashford. Find the earliest and latest if you can.”

It wasn’t long before the company made its decision. They would hire Carletta Sayer and spread the word that according to the Wizard of England, she was none other than the long sought after Fairy Princess from beyond our world.

But Carletta explained to them that she didn’t want her name to be associated with that of Stephanie, the so called ‘missing fairy.’ They could dress her up as her but her identity was to remain a secret. She wasn’t looking for publicity and she was worried that Jane might take everything too seriously. The company assured Carletta that posing as the missing fairy would only form one part of her job. When dressed as the fairy, her appearance would be sufficiently altered in order to hide her identity as Carletta Sayer.

To advertise her as their newest model, they got her into a large dressing and styling room and spent over two hours making her as beautiful and fairy-like as possible. They invested thousands of pounds on the dress, shoes, headpiece, lights and other props, such as resplendent, intricately detailed wings and fresh, live roses to line the hem of the dress that stretched outwards and reached just below her knees.

“Carletta!” said one of the stylists, “take that glum look off your face! You look absolutely stunning! Come on. Stand up now and turn around slowly. Mind the dress. Don’t let it catch on the chair.”

Carletta found it difficult to smile while dolled up to such an extravagant degree and made to feel so innocent and fairy-like in her extremely elaborate and expensive attire. Evey now and then little sparks would flare up from her wings and dress, casing flashes. She couldn’t help but think back on all the adventures she had been on while pursuing the daring life of crime and all the things she had learned. Budding criminal mastermind turned fairy model? What was she thinking?! This was ridiculous. But she would have to go along with all this nonsense for the time being.

“I said smile, Carletta!” said the stylist again.

Carletta did her best. Perhaps the only way not to feel so fake when smiling was to resolve to go back to crime. It couldn’t be that difficult to get back into. She was already a pro. She could keep it quiet as usual. This time she could get into ‘justified crime.’ The kind of crime that is committed against other criminals. The notorious Blithson gang, for example?

At that thought, she found herself genuinely smiling.

“There now. Well done,” said Lisa, the stylist. “Oh, you’re so beautiful! So ethereal! This is mind-blowing! Wait till Musa sees you!”

But as Carletta’s smile began to change somewhat, the other attendant said, “I’m not sure. That smile doesn’t quite go with the whole fairy theme. I mean, honestly! It looks like a witch’s grin. Come on Carletta. Try harder.”

“Oh, for goodness’ sake!” Carletta suddenly shouted out. “Take me out of this stupid costume then!”

The stylists both gasped. “Excuse me?!” said Lisa with a glare.

“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll try harder.”

Carletta then imagined the many poor people on the streets whom she might be able to help get a better life if only she could do something about the oppressive and notorious Blithson gang. They were dangerous for sure. Out of all the O.C.Gs. (Organised Crime Groups) she had researched, they were the most menacing and sophisticated. The Police hadn’t had much success in dealing with them so far. It would be a real challenge and risk to even go near them. But come on. That was all part of the thrill. And she would ultimately help those unfortunate victims who kept getting robbed and harmed by the gang. At last, her smile became sweeter, no longer having that sinister edge to it.

“There! That’s much, much better, Carletta! Practice that smile, okay? We’re nearly ready to put you in the studio! Oh, this is going to be so great! Imagine the reactions of the public! The fantasy fans especially!” said Lisa with yet another rush of excitement.

At last, they took her into Studio Five for the long and intense session of photo-shooting. Lights, effects, fussing and endless talking were all in the air. Musa came in carrying a massive parcel with the help of three other people. It was a magnificent, pricy, hand-crafted and heavy-duty fantasy throne that needed to be assembled for the model to sit on.

“Look Carletta! A Throne!!” Lisa burst out.

“It’s a silly idea,” said Carletta. “Princesses don’t sit on thrones.”

“Oh, come on! Everyone will love it!”

Carletta shrugged. “Because they’re idiots.”

Lisa then took her hand and gently walked her over to the throne. “It can be a sub-throne!”

Once it was assembled, she made her sit on it and assume a majestic expression. At last, the cameras sprang into action.

While this first photo shoot was going on, Carletta began to plot her strike against the Blithson gang and the steps she would need to take to begin an entirely new and far more daring life of crime. Step 1: Save money by posing as fairy princess. Step 2: Get access to Dark Net. Step 3: Turn money into Bitcoin. Step 4: Find Weapons Dealer. Step 5: Hire a Coder. Step 6: Hire a Programmer. Step 7: Hire a Hacker. These specialists will feed me info on the Blithson gang. Step 8: Find an Operations Base. Step: 9: Select and purchase weapons, and have them delivered to O.B. (Operations Base). Step 10: Order customised Biker Gear. Gear should be fitted with two hip holsters and one breast holster, each bearing a Zastava M57 semi-automatic pistol. Suit should also feature fold-out Grappling Hooks with launcher, stylised semi-auto Flick-Blades, mini-Flamers, Bulletproof Padding and Sensor Spikes. Attach also a pair of R.C. operated Clawed Wings fitted with Tranquilisers to Biker Suit. Step 11: When you have enough money, order the Bike (if both gear and bike cannot be purchased simultaneously). Bike should be designed for maximum speed, durability and manoeuvrability. It should feature stabilisers to allow summoning with built-in suit mechanism, and in case of irredeemable sabotage, a self-destruct mechanism. Order also a built-in Radar Detection system, mini Cluster Drone launcher, Tranquiliser and Disk-Blade caster systems, fold-out dual Sub-Machinegun and long-range Grenade Launching systems. Finally, add built-in Dual-Flamer systems for the bike… Oh boy! I’m gonna rain down absolute hell!

“Carletta! Pisst! Hey! Get that mean looking expression off your face! What’s wrong with you?!” snapped Lisa.


She then quickly changed the expression on her face to suit the photographers. But she immediately fell straight back into her former train of thought: Next, when O.B., weapons, bike and gear are all delivered, have a name and title ready to give yourself. What are some ideas? The Lost Flame, the Black Angel, Bane of Drug Lords, Noose of Criminals, Widowed Tiger, Famished Hyena…? What else? What about the bike? Could call it the Blood Sucker. After all, I’ll be using it to drain the very life-blood from other O.C.Gs. Okay, that’ll do for now. So, we’ve got the Black Angel and the Blood Sucker.

“Oh, my word! Carletta! You don’t need that serious or majestic look anymore! How many times do we have to tell you?! Please, please SMILE!!”

Carletta rolled her eyes and said, “Please! I’ve had enough! I want to go home. And this dress is too tight around the waist.”

“Don’t be silly, Carletta! We’re just getting started here. We’ve measured the dress. It’s fine. Get used to it. Now, go on. Smile.”

Carletta sighed and tried once again to put on yet another fairy-like and charming smile.

The first client interested in using Holborn Studios’ new model was a company that ran a fantasy magazine series called ‘Take It Beyond.’ They jumped at the chance to hire Carletta and take photos of her in one of the studios. The magazine could be purchased both physically and online. They then slapped an eye-catching picture of her on the front cover of their next issue, together with some small pictures down below featuring some of the letters exchanged between her and Raymond Ashford. The caption read, “Alive & Well – England’s ‘Missing Fairy’ Emerges at Holborn Studios.”

Holborn was successful because of the masterful effort they put into making Carletta look like a fairy. Comments on the online subscriber-based magazine, Take It Beyond, began to multiply rapidly and the company became steadily richer as paid subscriptions began to increase.

“I can’t believe it!” said one commenter.

“She’s sooo real, it’s freaky,” said another.

“This image has made me believe in fairies. I don’t care what anyone says. I’m a man of 42 and absolutely gobsmacked. There’s a really powerful energy and ethereal aura radiating from this image of the fairy, Stephanie.”

“This has made me weep with emotion and joy. Just look at her eyes!” Said yet another.

“Surely this has to be fake. But amazing all the same.” And so the comments continued with one that came from a mythologist and said, “I have to admit it’s not easy to look at this picture and dismiss the possibility of a world of faeire beings.”

Word eventually got around to Jane that the missing fairy was a real individual and had been found at the very place where Carletta worked. She begged Carletta to let her go and see her but was told that it would probably be best just to write to her for the time being.

Jane then rushed upstairs to write to her.

Jane Sayer, the enthusiastic young stepsister of Carletta (Princess Stephanie)

‘Hello, Dear Fairy!

I’ve heard about you! So you are real?! That’s beyond amazing! Me and my sister have played so many games based on you and the Wizard of England!

It’s weird the way you’re still here on Earth though. What’s going on? Why don’t you go back to the fairies?

Anyway, please, please, please write back! And you MUST let me see you in person one day!

Loads of love,

Jane Sayer, Stepsister of Carletta Sayer.’

Carletta agreed to give the letter directly to ‘Princess Stephanie’ and to bring back the reply from the fairy as soon as it had been written.

Every day, Jane would rush to the door when Carletta came home, hoping to get that reply letter from the mysterious fairy.

“Here,” said Carletta one day, and handed Jane a beautiful, fantasy styled envelope.

Jane gasped with excitement and snatched it off her. “It must be from her!! She replied!!”

“Don’t snatch things like that Jane. It’s impolite,” remarked Carletta and wandered off upstairs.

She was half way up when Jane shouted out to her, “Hey! Carletta! You can’t just walk away! Aren’t you going to sit down with me? Let’s open it together!”

Carletta sighed quietly to herself with annoyance. “Okay, Jane. It’s just that letters are sometimes personal, you know?”

“I don’t care! Come on!”

Jane then took Carletta by the sleeve and pulled her back down the stairs and into the living room. She was still holding on to her by the time they reached the sofa.

“Okay, stop that, Jane. Let go.”

“No! Sit down!” said Jane, now very excited and hyped up. She then stood in front of Carletta and pushed her on to the sofa. Next Jane jumped on as well and cuddled her.

Carletta lifted her off and sat her down beside her. “Okay. Come on. Open it, Jane.”

Jane slowly opened the letter and began reading it out loud. Carletta had made sure that the letter was written using different handwriting from her own.

‘Dear Miss Jane Sayer,

How nice of you to write me a letter.

The company has now organised scheduled visits for those who wish to see me. Ask your sister to help you find and book a slot.

I am one of very few fairies who give proximate as opposed to remote help to humans. Smile Jane! Don’t worry about me needing to go back to the Higher World just yet. I would like to offer some of my services to humanity before I leave.

Also, bear in mind that when approaching a fairy, you should be as open with her as possible and come with an appropriate motive, rather than mere curiosity. Fairies are essentially benevolent creatures and we do not like having to sit and receive attention or have endless photographs taken of us. But if that’s what it takes to sustain myself and reach out to people, I will submit to it for the time being.

Looking forward to seeing you, Miss Jane.


Princess Stephanie.

“Wow!! Carletta! What do you think?!”

“Yes. It’s umm… good!”

“It’s more than just good! It’s amazing! I could literally feel her fairy nature while reading the letter!”

Carletta smiled. “I agree. It did sound pretty fairy-like.”

“And we’re going to get to see her together!”

“You are going to see her. I’ve already seen her and besides, the slots available all happen to be while I’m working in a different studio.”

“Oh! That’s a pity! Well for now, I’ll go myself! And I’ll tell you all about it!”

“Yes. Do.”

Jane then rushed upstairs to decide what to wear for her visit to the fairy. She also told her mother and father all about it.

Her parents both asked Carletta many questions about this mysterious new celebrity whom Jane was dying to go and see, but Carletta’s answers were vague and she told them that the person in question valued her privacy and didn’t want people talking about her.

As her popularity grew and more and more people booked tickets to see her, just like those who booked tickets to see the Wizard of England in Guildhall Library, some members of the Blithson gang, who were always keeping an eye on the streets and the general state of the public, got together to talk about her.

Derick, their leader paced up and down while his men watched him. He was respected and feared as a highly competent, vicious and terribly cruel leader of criminals.

At last, he broke the news of what had been on his mind. “Alright guys, listen up. We’ve all heard that there’s a celebrity posing as a fairy whom everyone is paying their hard-earned money to see. She’s only eighteen years old. With our experience and equipment, it’s not impossible to organise a kidnap mission.”

“Why exactly do we want to kidnap her?” asked Timothy, his younger brother.

“Think Tim! To get Holborn Studios to pay a ransom fee if they want her back! Obviously. We could charge over a million pounds… more even. They’ll soon know that the Police have never been able to keep up with us. The Police aren’t the problem. It’s getting in and out with the package. That’s the difficult part. We have options. We could pressure someone to tell us where she lives. Think! There’s got to be a way to get hold of her.”

“It’s good boss.” Said one of the toughest members of the gang, named Jordan. “We’ll need meticulous planning for this. She’s worth a lot of dosh. I’ll bump off anyone who stands in our way.”

“Exactly! And they’d better know we’re serious. Make her suffer! Make her scream! And record that gory racket! And send them a copy. Anyone tries to play hero and hunt us down, use lethal force against them. No one is rescuing the damsel. They gotta pay for her. Order more smack from Belgium with the dosh and sell high. Let’s get planning. We’re coming for that flimsy fairy! She’s a jackpot.”

“Yes!! Hell yeah!!”

Notorious Blithson Gang Leader, Derick Harrington.

They all stood to attention, pumped with excitement and ready to put their heads together for as long as it took to come up with a masterful plan to kidnap the mysterious new employee at Holborn Studios. Little did any of them know that she was also thinking diligently and obsessively about them and ruthlessly plotting their destruction. But if they acted quickly, they would gain a massive head start against her.

13 thoughts on “The Double Life of Carletta Sayer”

  1. This is a fascinating story, blending fantasy with crime, and it keeps readers hooked with its unique plot twists. The contrast between Carletta’s fairy identity and her secret life as a budding criminal mastermind is intriguing. I love how the story weaves in elements of magic with the gritty reality of organized crime, creating a tension that makes the reader want to know what happens next.

    One aspect that really stands out is Carletta’s internal struggle—being caught between the innocence of her fairy origins and the darker, more rebellious path she seems drawn to. It raises questions about identity, power, and the choices we make when we feel disconnected from our true selves.

    The relationship between Carletta and Jane also adds warmth to the narrative, providing a softer side to Carletta that contrasts with her more calculating thoughts. The little moments, like their playful letters and shared ice cream, show a deep sisterly bond that grounds the story amidst all the fantasy and tension.

    I’m curious to see how her double life will unfold, especially with the looming threat of the Blithson gang. The idea that they’re planning to kidnap her while she’s plotting their downfall creates an exciting dynamic. It makes me wonder if she’ll be able to outsmart them or if her hidden fairy powers will play a role in their eventual confrontation.

    Overall, it’s a captivating mix of fantasy, suspense, and moral ambiguity. I’m eager to see how Carletta’s journey will evolve and how she’ll navigate these two very different worlds she’s caught between.

  2. This story draws you in with its unique blend of modern life and fairy tale elements. Carletta’s internal struggle between her past identity as a fairy princess and her present life as a disenchanted young woman feels deeply relatable, even in a fantastical setting. The way she distances herself from her true nature while finding solace in her bond with Jane adds layers to her character, showing her complexity and vulnerability.

    I especially liked the game Carletta plays with Jane, where they pretend to be the fairy princess and the wizard. It’s a sweet reflection of Carletta’s past, and you can sense how bittersweet it must be for her half reliving the innocence of her youth and half feeling detached from that part of herself. The little details, like the ice-cream, show the lighthearted bond between the sisters amidst the more serious undertones of Carletta’s fading belief in her fairy identity.

    This story has a lot of potential for exploring themes of identity, self-discovery, and the push-and-pull between reality and fantasy. I’m excited to see where it goes next!

  3. Thank you for this thought-provoking article. It really resonated with me, especially the idea that money, beauty, and fame don’t guarantee happiness or fulfillment.

    As a mom, I’m constantly trying to teach my kids the importance of inner peace and gratitude rather than material things, and this article reinforces that message. I’d love to know your thoughts on how we can help the next generation focus more on self-worth and purpose rather than external validation. It’s such an important conversation to have, especially in today’s world.

    Angela M. 🙂

  4. Carletta’s journey is so fascinating and layered. It’s interesting how she struggles between her fairy past and the life she’s built on Earth. The bond with her stepsister Jane is sweet and adds a nice touch of innocence to the story. You can really feel her inner conflict as she contemplates her choices and what path to take. I’m excited to see how her story unfolds, especially with the whole modeling opportunity and her connection to Raymond. This was an intriguing read!

  5. Hi Dominic,

    My workmate actually told me a story that reminds me a bit of Carletta’s journey. She grew up with a lot of responsibilities and often felt disconnected from who she thought she was as a kid. She used to dream about being someone with a completely different life—like an actress or a famous artist—but eventually let go of those ideas as she got older, thinking they were just childhood fantasies. It wasn’t until later in life that she realized those dreams had shaped her in ways she hadn’t expected. She ended up finding herself in a job she didn’t love, but it wasn’t until her younger sister started reminding her of the little things they used to do together that she began to reconnect with that imaginative side again.

    Now, my workmate has started exploring creative outlets on the side—nothing big yet, just small projects—and it’s funny how that same childhood innocence her sister pulled her into is now giving her a sense of purpose again. She’s still trying to figure out if she’ll keep chasing that creativity professionally or just keep it as a hobby.

  6. This story is such a fascinating blend of fantasy and modern life! I love how it explores Carletta’s double life—torn between her fairy identity and her more grounded, yet dark, ambitions in the human world. The tension between her secret past and her growing entanglement in crime really adds depth to her character. I’m curious—how do you see Carletta’s two worlds colliding? Will she fully embrace her royal fairy heritage, or will her pull toward crime take over?

    Also, the interplay between her and Jane is heartwarming, but it feels like their relationship might get strained as Carletta sinks deeper into her darker side. Do you think Carletta’s love for Jane could ultimately pull her back from her criminal path, or will it only complicate things further?

    Can’t wait to see how this story unfolds!

    • Hi and thanks for the comment. Yes, Jane is a big part of Carletta’s life and has a lot of indirect influence on her decisions. Carletta tries to conceal her life of crime from her while also being there to protect her against any future dangers. 

  7. I loved reading about the secret life of the wayward fairy princess Stephanie and how she hides her true identity. Getting a job at Holborn Studio as the missing fairy, is a very clever way of using her special skills as a fairy. 

    But it is unfortunate that as her stardom grows, and more people notice and follow her, that she also attracted the attention of the notorious gang. The plan to kidnap princess Stephanie seems daring, and I look forward to seeing whether they succeed, or if Stephanie recognise them and thwart their plans. 

  8. Imagine the thought of playing yourself in a kid’s game not knowing the truth or what draws you to such dark forces and spiritual lights. This story looks like it will heat up fast as you continue. My only regret is my aging eyes were having fun with your front but the read was well worth sticking around. Great character background.

  9. This story is captivating, especially with its blend of fantasy and the gritty realities Carletta faces. The juxtaposition of her fairy lineage with her darker, hidden life of crime gives it an intriguing edge. I’m curious about how Carletta’s struggle with her dual identity will evolve, especially with the tension between embracing her fairy heritage and her desire to return to crime. How do you envision her balancing these conflicting sides of herself? And with the Blithson gang plotting to kidnap her, I wonder how her secret plans and their scheme might collide. It seems like a clash with high stakes!

    • Hi Kelly, she tries to be her normal self with Jane, but is drawn to a secret life of crime because it is an outlet for her frustration at feeling gently called to her true path in the Higher World. 


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